Chapter 25

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"You haven't seen the last of her." Luke warmly smiled as we left their backyard.

Although it was just for a few days, I really did enjoy Rosie's company and bringing her back to her mother broke my heart a little. She made me laugh and I haven't laughed in a long time.

"Yeah." I nodded, not knowing what more to say and mostly not wanting to say anything in particular.

"I want to take you somewhere." He dived into deep thought for a while before he suggested anything.

"I don't know, Luke. I might not be the best company." I mumbled.

"I do know." He looked up at me with a desire for answer in his eyes. "Rosie won't be going anywhere for good 15 years, babe. You don't need to be sad about it." He politely smiled and let out a little laugh. Smirking at the word babe he's just used.

"Rosie may not, but I am." I whispered under my breath. I thought he didn't hear me. He did though. Why did he remained silent then?

"Would you better stay home then?" He tilted up his brows with curiousness.

"No. Let's go somewhere." I faked a smile, making my way to the car. He followed me.

It was a silent drive. As always. I'm getting tired of this instant barricade between the two of us. There's so much on my heart that needs to be said and done and I can tell he feels the same. We're holding something in and I'd give everything in the world to know what's on our minds.

"Are you hungry?" He suddenly asked just as if he was reading my mind.

"My entire body is starving itself to death." He laughed. It was true though, I haven't eaten anything all day because Rosie wanted to play as much as possible before we would drop he off at her house.

"Good. That's good." He smirked. I smiled.

Despite the huge amount of hate I kept towards this boy, he's really caring and kind. I may or may not like him after all. His heart is enormous, full of love and joy, he's just never found the person to open up to and that okay. I hope that one day he'll meet this particular person and he'll finally be able to be happy. To be himself. The real Luke.

I looked at him, how his eyes were locked with the road, full of concentration and something about the way his held himself made me feel different. His amazing features. His perfectly shaped jawline and pink lips with the little piercing. His eyes. I talk about his eyes a lot. I don't know why though, there's just something about them. They're not kind until he gives it the permission to control him. They're not nice until he lets the good manners possess him. They're nothing near this fascinating miracle until he throws his pose away.

The rest of the drive remained silent again. We parked in front of an old house in the middle of the city and the switched off engine gestured me to get out of the car.

"Where are we?" I asked, searching for a restaurant that seemed to be nowhere to be found. "Lucas!"

"God, woman, you really need to know everything?" He teased me with the nickname, bringing us back to the early days for a second.

"You know I do." He rolled his eyes on me.

"Close you eyes." He ordered.

"No way!" I snapped, making him giggle. "There's no way I'm closing my eyes, Luke." I protested but as soon as he looked at me deep in the eyes, I have up.

"I swear to God if you're going to murder me I'll kill you." I freaked out a bit as he put his hand over my eyes.

"You know that if I wanted to murder you I'd, first, do it many weeks ago and, second, I'd choose a much cooler place than this." He said and I could feel the smirk on face even blindfolded.

I have to hate him - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now