Chapter 4

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We arrived to the hotel and Paul grabbed my bags, even if I told him that I'm able to take them on my own. He seemed pleased with my presence and so was I.
I was happy to be here with Paul, I was happy that we kept conversation so easily, I was happy that he still loved me as much as he did before, everything was amazing and we only drove from the airport to the hotel. I was in America for 2 hours and I already loved it.

"It's the 12th floor room 10 Tina. You'll be there with ........ because ....... okay? I'll explain later honey, your bags are there already, I just need to take this important call and it might take a while. The boys are waiting for you."

Paul told me. He looked very busy with everything, so I didn't want to cause more problems, I didn't understand exactly what he told me, but being the smart ass I am, I think he probably wants me to go to my room without him.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry I'm a big girl now."

I said with an 'adult tone' and smiled politely. Shit, thanks Paul, you don't let me carry my bags but you let me go all alone to meet 4 completely strange boys. What a gentleman you are.


"Hey guys, when do we expect the visit?" Ashton asked but no one seemed to care about him.

"Not sure bro, Paul said something about 11 ish or so." Of course Luke knew, he's the youngest but he's the most mature out of the boys.

"Calum! Calum! No I won you little shit!" Michael screamed. They were playing FIFA with Cal and it gets pretty serious when it comes to video games.

"Okay wait, why are we squeezing in one room and Lucas has his own ?"

"Because I'm the cutest one and I deserve one." Said Luke.

"Yeah, or you'll have to share room with that freak who's coming." Said Michael and everyone except Luke burst with laughter.

"Whatever dicks, maybe that freak is some Victoria's Secret model."

"Probability one to trillion little naive Lukey, but keep on dreaming." Ashton added.

Christina's POV

Fuck. Paul did not give me any keys or card, how am I going to get to the room? Damn it.

I looked everywhere for the right door and, of course with my luck, it was the last door I came to.

Paul was right, my bags were laying on the floor in front of the door and luckily they were open. He probably told someone to open them for me, just like he always does. He made me feel like queen for the last 2 hours, so I guess it's his intention.

I could get used to it.

The room is very nice. It looks comfortable and decent, white walls, white blankets and brown accessories with some pink details. It absolutely suits my needs plus it's so my style. It reminds me of Australia so much, white walls, something brown and blue. Just like my room. Just like sand and sea you know, it kinda makes me homesick though, but I'm glad I don't live in a room with red walls, red makes me sick.

Okay, so what now? The rehearsals are probably not done yet, which means that the boys are not here yet, which means only one thing - shower and little nap.

Luke's POV

"Probability one to trillion little naive Lukey, but keep on dreaming." Ashton added.

"Whatever. I'm going to my private big comfy room to get as far as possible away from you." I snapped.

"Fuck you Lucas." They all added and I had to smile at their cute stupidity.

"Never in your wildest dreams Mikey." Before I had the chance to safely leave, he poured his water bottle on me.

"Love you too."

We usually have two rooms and we live in pairs, but now I got a special room, separated (as in separated I mean across the hall) from the 3 freaks for no reason, but I don't give a fuck.

I hopped into the bed, took of my wet shirt and grabbed my MacBook.

Shit, why's there Paul's bag in my room? Why is he using my shower for fucks sake?! Once in a million years I don't have to share the shower with 3 other dirty lads and he has to take that little happiness away from me!

Christina's POV

The shower was relaxing. I finally had some time for myself so I could think of the things I'm going to say and do when I'll meet the boys.


I never bring clothes with me to the bathroom, so I always have to run with a towel around my body through the cold halls to my room to get dressed.
Well, it's not like I'm running a marathon, but still, I hate it.

I'd put my hand in the fire that I left it here .. or maybe not ..
Where is that damn bag.


I have to hate him - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now