Class 1-A

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Sorry for not uploading I've been really busy so here this is But I was defiantly not playing pokemon Go all week anywho let us get into it. 


John and the others entered the classroom only to be stared at by everyone except Deku.

Iida: May I ask just who you are, Sorry It's just precation

John: Green-haired

Deku: umm yeah

John: MInd telling them I don't fell like it

Deku: uhh sure

After Introducing them, Also Nezu told them about quirks so they know what it is and in this Sera has her ability

Everyone except Bakugo: So what are your quirks

Arlo: Barrier I'm capable of creating defensive barriers and can use them as force fields and makeshift traps and my barriers also can also inflict damage by reflecting attacks onto the attacker.

Sera:  Time manipulation I can stop and rewind time around me and through me

John: Aura Manipulation I'm is capable of copying any abilities and combining abilities for devastating results. In addition to copying and combining other abilities, I'm capable of detecting and sensing intensities of auras given off by abilities and amplifying any of the abilities I copies.

Remi: Lighting I can manipulate lightning and detect electrical currents.

Blyke: Energy Discharge I can capable of generating red beams of energy from his hands. I can also use it to speed me up

Isen: Hunter, I can see and detect people in a certain radius around me and lock on to them

That's all I'm gonna do It's late at night and I'll probably forget about it if I don't finish it Now. Also, it might be 3-4 weeks before I update this again

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