Class 1-A meeting

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OH SHIT... Sorry my computer broke right before summer and I just got a new one have been playing a lot of Apex Legends. Any who does anyone play it if so let me know and I'll friend you because all my friends don't play much on the weekdays. Oh and also 'thoughts are gonna be like his'

John pov

As we Enter the classroom we enter the classroom we receive stares from everyone except the green-haired kid and a spiky-haired kid who doesn't even look at us. "Wassup fuckers" I state boldly as I enter the classroom. I get smacked in the back of the head by Remi. "WHAT THE FUCK REMI" I scream at her. With a pouty face, she says " That was because you made them have a bad first impression of us". Arlo steps in front of me and says " well we are gonna be in your class for a while so we should introduce ourselves"

Arlo went first he went and introduced himself and said " Hi, my name is Arlo, my abli- er quirk is barrier I can shield myself or others."

Time skip to John I got a little lazy pretty sure you know everybody

"Well my name is John my quirk is Aura Manipulation" I stated with my usual attitude.

"What that supposed to be shithead," A blonde bitch said with a snarky attitude said.

"Well if you would SHUT UP maybe I would explain." I half-shouted at him "Dumbass" I mutter 'what the hell is the kids problem' "Anyway I can copy you quirk and amplify it by 1.5 unless your power is stronger than mine in which case I just copy it."

Deku pov

'wow these guys quirks seem powerful'


'I swear I heard him call me a dumbass, That kid really gets on my nerves'

Sera pov

As we left the classroom to go to the dorms I call to John he turns looks at me and stops.

Sorry to end it on a cliff hanger I've been sick for a couple days Now (It's not covid) but know I wil try to postmore than usual

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