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Rori's POV

"Hardy said they would fly us out for the show tonight, if we want." Violet let me know, while she washed her face in the bathroom.
     I let a smile creep onto my face.
     "I'm in if you are." I replied.

      "You'd be in even if I weren't, I'm fairly sure." She laughed. She got onto her phone and typed away at it. Which reminded me, I haven't checked my phone for any messages from Morgan.

I pulled out my phone and saw one message from Morgan, I internally squealed as I unlocked my phone, seeing a single heart eyes emoji, along with the words "miss you". My heart was doing back flips at this point.

"Well let's go then!" I urged Violet, eager to see Morgan again.
"Alright, alright. Jeeez." She said, although we both knew she was just excited to see Hardy as I was To see Morgan.

So we packed our things and left the house, driving to the airport.
We got there just in time, and boarded the plane. It was a very short flight to South Carolina, we hurried off the plane to find our boys.

Hardy called Violet, letting her know where they'd be waiting for us. My heart was pounding again, as usual whenever I was around Morgan. I tried to act naturally, walking beside Violet on our way to their car.

     There they were sticking their heads out of the window of the car, with mile-wide smiles.
    Morgan pushed the door open and stumbled out of the car, arms open wide.
     I completely blew off Violet and ran to him with a gleeful cheer.
He caught me and spun us around, finishing the show with a kiss on my cheek.

     "God I missed you," I said, sounding almost out of breath because of how hard my heart was beating. This could quite possibly be the best day of my life so far. I have no idea how I could've missed someone I've only known for a short while. He just smiled in return. My gosh, those eyes.

     "How's Tennessee taking care of y'all?" Hardy asked Violet and I, breaking the unspoken staring contest me and Morgan had engaged in.

     "Same old, same old." Violet said, messing with her hair. She was still fairly nervous around Hardy.

     "Well let's get y'all back to the hotel and get ready for the show!" Morgan said, getting back into the car, Hardy was the one driving.

     Violet and I sat in the back seats, smiling like idiots. Hardy was listening the classic rock on the radio.

     "Whatcha lookin at?" I asked Morgan, who was staring out the window.
     He didn't answer, so I figured he was just staring into space. I laid my hand on his shoulder, and it snapped him out of it. I watched his reflection smile, as he lifted his own hand to place it on mine.

     "Stop being gross you guys. We're here." Hardy said, parking the car.
     I hopped out and waited for Morgan to do the same. Once he did we both happily walked hand in hand together towards the entrance of the hotel. It wasn't a very fancy place. Not that I was complaining.

     We got checked into the hotel and practically ran to our rooms.


Hi guys! I'm sorry I've been so slow updating. I've been working a lot and traveling a lot. But I haven't given up on this!!

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