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Rori's POV

     "Rori," Violet beckoned me to her side.
I gave her the 'tell me everything' look.
     "I've really caught feelings for Michael." She admitted, a light blush flooding her cheeks.
     That was the first time I'd heard her use his actual name instead of just 'Hardy'.
     "How bad?" I asked while I smile crept to my lips. Two best friends getting together with two best friends? I can't help but be a little jazzed about it.

     "I mean, not on the level you and Morgan are at...yet. But I think we're both on the same page." She explained.

     "Whatcha doin ladies?" Morgan said all of the sudden, coming up behind the two of us and slinging his arms over our shoulders.
     "Girl talk, Wallen. Go on." I said, shooing him away.
     He pouted but listened and walked the other way.

     "Oh now I feel bad." I said quietly with a small laugh. Violet grinned at me and shoved me towards him.

     "Waaallen," I called out.
     He whipped his head around and smiled when he saw me coming his way.
     "Almost showtime." He told me.
     "Go get em"


     "Good show boys!" The stage crew told them as they came off the stage, sweaty and out of breath. Morgan had a plastic cup of beer clutched in his left hand.
     "After party at the bar across the street, you ladies joining?" One of the guys from the crew said.
     "Duh!" Violet answered happily, clinging to Hardy's sweaty arm. They both had mile wide smiles.
      Morgan finally came back, he was sweating more than Hardy.
     "You sure you're good to party?" I asked him, touching his back gently.
     "Of course I am girl, it's me!" He laughed. I nodded at his reply and we all headed across the street


     "Whoa!" Violet exclaimed, while Morgan tripped over her legs en route to the nearest trash can or bathroom. He had way too much and we've only been here maybe 2 hours.
     I look down at my phone, make that one hour. Wow.

     "Is he gonna be okay?" Violet asked, the question directed to me.
     "Probably so." I answered.
She shrugged it off and continued flirting with Michael, I'm still getting the hang of calling him that. Hardy came more naturally.

     I stared off into space, growing bored now that Morgan was gone, wondering if I should go help him.

     "Rori!" Violet said loudly. I turned on my heel to face her and she had the biggest smile.
     "What's up?"
     "I asked her to be my girlfriend!" Michael said excitedly.
     "That's great!" I said, genuinely happy for them, but I couldn't help but wonder why Morgan and I weren't on that level. Probably because he spends most of his time drinking.
     I shook the thought, and decided to go check in on him.
     I followed his drunken path, without stepping on or over anyone like he did.
     I pushed open the men's bathroom door and there he was, propped up by the sinks.
     "Oh Morgan," I said out of pity. Poor thing looked sick as a dog.
     He didn't even lift his head, just shifted his eyes so he could see who was talking to him.
He couldn't finish what he was wanting to say, because another wave of sickness had hit him.
     Aint that a pretty picture.
     I sighed and rubbed his back while he threw up.
"I'm gonna get you some water okay buddy?" I said, leaving him in the bathroom.

     "How is he?" Violet asked. I shook my head,
"Throwing up his lunch." I said, motioning for her to walk with me to get him some water.
     We leant up beside the bar waiting for our turn.

     "I'm really happy for you and Hardy." I told her, giving a small smile.
     "Stop calling him Hardy, Dork. It's weird." She laughed, giving my shoulder a shove.
     "Michael." I mocked.

     "What can I get for you ladies?" The bartender asked us.
     "Can I just get a bottle of water please?"
He nodded and grabbed one out of the refrigerator and handed it back to me.

     I headed back to the bathroom where Morgan was.

     He was now sitting on top of the sinks, swinging his feet like a kid would.
     "How ya feel?" I asked him, taking off the lid of the water and handing it to him.
     "Million bucks." He slurred, and then tried to take off the nonexistent water bottle cap that I had just removed myself.
     He looked at my hand where I was holding the cap and let out a giggle and started to drink the water.

     "You feel good enough to come back out?"
     "Yes ma'am." He said in that southern drawl.

     I nodded and helped him down from the sink and we walked out together-ish. I was halfway holding him up.

     "Jesus. You kids ready to head back?" Michael said.
     "Please," I responded, "Someone help me with him." I added.

     Michael came to Morgan's other side and he were able to get him to stumble outside to the car.
     I sat in the back with Morgan while Michael and Violet sat up front.
     Morgan immediately laid his head in my lap and fell asleep. Probably drooling all over me in the process.


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