Castiel- Blushing

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AN: ok, lemme explain. I haven't seen much supernatural before, but I immediately fell in love with Castiel. So, I wanted to write about him. So, If I get anything incorrect, please, cut me some slack. Thank you for understanding!! :)

I opened the fridge and pulled out the milk, pouring it into my cereal. I sat at the table and ate. After about a spoonful of cereal, Castiel sat across from me.

"Hey Cas. Want some?" I blushed and blurted through a mouthful of food, holding up the bowl.

He shook his head and looked at me as if he was utterly concerned.

I swallowed. "Is something wrong!? You look concerned!" I pulled out a dagger.

"No, no! It's just... What's happening to your face?" He tilted his head cutely (like in the picture attached).

"Oh god, what happened to it!?" I blushed harder.

"It's pink..." He responded softly.

I settled immediately, dropping the dagger. "Thats it!? I thought some freaking demon zits or something popped up. I'm blushing, Cas."

"Blushing? Why?"

"Because..." I face turned that pinkish red shade again.

"It's happening again!!" He pointed towards my face.

"Oh God, you're kinda pathetic." I got up and pecked his forehead. "Ha! Now you're blushing too!" I sat back down.

"I am...? Is that bad..." He whispered in his concerned voice again.

"No Castiel! Everybody blushes."

"I don't."

"Cas, yes you do. You're doing it right now."

"Do you know why I am blushing?" He gave me a suddenly seductive look.

"Why?" I smirked.


"Hello, (your name). Hey Cas!" Sam chimed.

"Hey, moose." I giggled.

"Shut it." He playfully shoved me.

Dean came in soon after and gave me and Cas a grin. God, he knew I had this massive crush on Cas and it would always make our situations awkward.

"Cas, could you come here." Dean called him over. Damn, he's totally gonna tell...

"Yes." Cas gave me a smile and walked to Dean.

Dean grabbed Sam and Cas and pulled them into the other room, whispering things... How suspicious... Dean giggled and Sam smiled widely, giving me a wink. Cas stared in awe, blushing. He looked at me, then said something back to the guys, not breaking our eye contact.

The boys laughed and pushed each other out of the door, giving me a thumbs up and a wink, leaving Cas and I alone.

He took my now empty bowl of cereal, and washed it out for me.

"... Thank you...?" I stood up and stood by him.

"It is my pleasure." He smiled softly at me.

"... Alright Cas, spill the friggin beans! What did they say to you!?" I held a finger under his chin with demand.

"Nothing..." He looked off and smiled.

"Castiel!" I only used his full name when I was angry.

"Ok." He shot me a look saying a won. "They just... Told me something."

"What the hell dude! What did they say." I gave him puppy dog eyes and leaned on his shoulder.

"Dean had said that people blush when they love someone else. Sam said that I was a goner with you. Eh, might be true." He shrugged.

I blushed.

"You do love me then?" He cupped my face in his hands and squeezed my cheeks together.

"Lerve yer!? Whert!?" He let go of my cheeks so I could talk. "Love you!? Thats-thats... That's totally absurd... Even if I did, I mean, no promises you'll love me back. I mean, look at your angelic form. So... Manly and... Angely..." I stepped back and looked at his figure and grinned. He was damn fine.

"(your name)." He smirked.

"...what?! Oh, yea?" I blushed, looking up from his shirt that I wish I could see through.

"I can read those sinful thoughts of yours." He inched closer to me. "And, honestly," he grabbed my waist and pecked my lips a few times, nearing his lips to my ear. "I love the ideas you have us doing."

He nibbled my ear lobe and kissed my neck. I gasped in surprise when I felt his hand move onto my ass with a fierce grab. He pushed me against the wall and lifted me on to his waist. He rested me between the wall and his waist and pulled off his trench coat, tossing it to the ground. I yanked his white dress shirt off. His scrappy done job of a tie dangled over his bare toned chest. He moved his pelvis against my waist and I moaned softly.

He tore my shirt over my head and reached for my bra clip, throwing them on the floor. He unbuttoned my pants and set me down on the floor. He kneeled down and pulled them off. I then gasped as I felt his hand enter my (fave color) lace panties. He stood up, not letting his finger break contact with my... Womanhood... And kissed me. I moaned into the kiss and began tearing his pants off.


"God, Cas is so gonna get laid tonight." Sam said to Dean while they looked through the window at us having sex.

"Totally..." Dean nodded and stared at us.

"How does Cas know all of these sex moves? I thought he was the virgin queen." Sam nudged Dean's arm.

"I don't know man. Just... Quiet, I'm trying to watch." Dean had complete focus on us.

"You're such a pervert." Sam licked his lips and turned to watch us again.

"Righ back at ya..."


"Oh my God..." I moaned.

"Say my name." He kissed my forehead.





"Castiel!!" I screamed, just about reaching my climax.

"I love you so much." I breathed.

"I love you too." He panted uncontrollably for air.

"Aww, and we love you guys too!" Dean blurted through laughter, standing in the doorway with Sam.

"Dammit, Dean! I swear I will kill you for this!" He ran away. I wrapped a sheet around myself and ran after him.

"(your name)! Catch him!" Cas threw his pants on and chased us, his wings shedding feathers as he ran, laughing.

AN: ok, I thought it was pretty cute, eh? I hope you enjoyed this Cas x reader one shot! Vote, comment, follow!
-Mrs. Holmes

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