Sam- Jealous...

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Sam kissed her... The tall blonde woman who was pretty much perfect... They stood at the door of the motel kissing.

I was on the laptop, sitting on dean's bed, secretly pouting, waiting for the bitch to leave. "Uh. This ain't a romance movie." I shouted.

Sam and the woman broke apart and she left.

Sam walked over and sat on his bed, smiling.

"Ya know that was disgusting, right?" I made a disgusted face.

Sam gave me a low chuckle and shook his head. "It's love, (y/n)."

"If that's what love looks like, I never want it..." I closed the laptop forcefully and stood up.

"Come on. Gimme a break, (y/n). I found love, can't you be happy for me?" He stood ad well and raised his arms, dropping them.

"Oh don't worry, Sammy. I'm very happy for you..." My sarcasm was clearly out there.

"No you're not... I don't even know why? Why can't you be happy?"



"Because, Sam!"

"Well why!?"

"Cause you're supposed to be mine! Ok?! You're supposed to be mine and I don't have you! Happy now!?" I slammed the laptop and papers on the table then stormed to the door, walking out of the motel.

"Yes... I'm happy now..." He said quietly to himself and turned around to see Dean, arms crossed, furrowed brows.

"You knew she liked you Sammy." Dean spoke lowly. "You coulda at least said to her that you weren't interested."

Sam threw a hand up the dropped it back down, walking out of the motel.

I was sitting on the top of the impala, legs over the side, looking at my fingers and mumbling angrily to myself.

"(Y/n)..." Sam made his way over to me.

"What?" I shot a look at him.

"We need to talk." He came over and stood between my legs that hung over the edge of the car.


"Cause. I wanna explain this to you... Its important for you to know..."

"You've got 30 seconds."

"30 seconds- ok ok. Uh... Well. The only reason I'm going out with her is because I'm using her as a distraction. Aa distraction from you."

"Wow Sam. If you didn't me around, ya coulda told me."

"No! Not like that. I used her as a distraction from you so I wouldn't be lovestruck again... (Y/n)... I really like you..."

"God... You couldn't have grown a fucking pair and told me...?"


"I hate you... " I hugged him.

"I hate you too..." He looked at me and pulled my legs against him, our bodies touching and I threw my arms around him.

"Woah! Easy boy." I chuckled and inched towards him, pressing a kiss on his lips.

"Thata boy Sammy." Dean smirked, watching from the window then ran outside". "But get the hell off my baby!"

AN: kill this... Kill it with fire... God I can't think of anything. Exams are coming up and I'm studying my ass off.... Sorry for the low quality stories I write...

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