Castiel- Drunken love maybe?

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I had just finished my 8th beer. Sam, ninth, Dean, his eleventh, and Cas? None... Yep. He wouldn't give in to the temptations of alcohol. What happened was, Dean got this really good beer and gave Sam and me some... 'Some' turned into more than 5 very quickly...

"Cas...? Dean chimed.

"Cas!" Sam shouted while laughing.

"Cas Cas!" I giggled uncontrollably.

He turned his head to look at us. "What...?" He said with a deep anger planted in his voice.

"Cassy, come drink some of this." I begged him. I wrapped an arm around him and pressed my (size) boobs against him.

"Why would I want that?" He stared at it as If it was some filthy demon bitch.

"Because it's delicious!" I cheered in a high pitched yell/squeak.

Cas raised an eyebrow and slowly took the drink from me. He examined it all over before slowly putting the top to his soft lips. Damn, I'm jealous of a beer bottle... He took a sip... No no. He took a huge gulp and handed me the bottle back, coughing.

"Oh Cassy. You're awful with drinkses..." I slurred.

Cas furrowed his eyebrows and wiped his soft lips off. There he goes again. Is he trying to turn me on? He then tilted his head cutely like a confused kitty.

"Cas..." I said quietly and shook my head softly.

"Yes, y/n?" He still looked confused as hell.

I managed a soft whimper and bit my bottom lip anxiously. I couldn't take much more of this. I stood up and sat on Castiel's lap. He blushed. I got an angel to blush! Scratch that off my bucket list.

"Y/n... Uh... What're you doing." His deep voice asked in a growl.

"I'm gonna pleasure you." I giggled.

"Pleasure me...? But I am an angel, I do not need pleasuring." He shook his angelic head.

I nodded and grinned. "Yes you do, Cassy..." I bit my lip and slowly began grinding against him.

"Woo! Y/n is winning! Wait what are they doing?" Sam glanced at Dean.

"I-I don't know." Dean gave Sam a drunken serious look. "It looks like trouble, we better go! Demons everywhere." Dean stood up, laughed, then passed out on the floor.

Sam jumped up and passed out on top of Dean.

I softly moaned and put his hands on my waist, moving my hips faster. "Oh Cas..."

"(y/n)... S-Stop... This is... This is not right..." He shook his head but was obviously holding back a moan.

"Cas... I love you so much..." I giggled until I had finally passed out as well.

~glorious time skip brought to you by Holy Water! Hey, good for you, not the demons! *ding* *Queue wink and thumbs up*

I woke with a start and sat up slowly, grabbing my head from the pain of my massive headache.

"Morning (y/n)." I heard the familiar flap of wings and looked to my right to see Castiel standing by my bed.

"Cas... What the hell happened last night...?" I groaned.

"Oh. You got kind of intoxicated by alcohol and moved your hip region against my pelvis." He looked at me blankly.


AN: heya! I'll leave the rest up to your imagination!! Hope you enjoyed!! Been too long since ice updated!! More on the way!!

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