Dean- helpin' out

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"(y/n)..." Dean's voice was soft to your ears.

"Hmm...?" You groaned from Dean's bed.

Sam had gone out and was with Bobby. You were recovering from a bad injury on one of your trips. A stab in the shoulder, lower stomach, and a bullet wound in your side. Oh,  And dont forget the many many bruises and scrapes.

"Do you need anything...?" He sat at the end of the bed.

You shook your head slowly then nodded. "Sam said my bandage had to be changed every three hours... It's time..." Your voice was rough and tired, forcing itself to call out.

"K." Dean stood up and grabbed a roll of bandage off of the table, returning to your side.

You pushed yourself to sit up, letting out as much of a whimper as you could.

"Slowly, slowly..." He slowly helped you sit up.

"It hurts like fu-..." You bit your lip, holding back the f word.

"I know, I know..." He lifted your shirt off and tried avoiding eye contact with your boobs.

"Just frickin hurry..." You were on the edge of tears... If you had the strength to cry.

He gave a nod then started unwrapping the bandages, revealing an enormous stab and slice across your lower stomach.

"Shit..." Your hoarse voice groaned.

"I'm sorry (y/n)... " he gently pressed the edge of the bandage on your stomach, wrapping it around you with a painful yet needed pressure.

Next came your shoulder. He unwrapped the bloody bandage rolled across your arm and replaced it with a clean new one. You groaned hoarsely, making Dean try and hide a sad look.

"All done..." He stood up.

"Thank you Dean..." You laid back down.

"Yea." He nodded. "Need anything else?" He kneeled down by your side.

You bit your lip softly and nodded.

"Oh yea? What would that be?" He gave a questioning smile.

You tiredly put a hand on the back of his head, pulling him into you, kissing him gently and pulling back from his soft and rough lips.

"I knew you liked me." He kissed my forehead and stood back up, siting at the table across the room, getting on his laptop.

"No, Dean..." You said quietly to yourself. "I love you..."

AN: damn. It's been a while since I've had an update. I hope you enjoyed!! Vote, comment, follow!!

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