Chapter One - Nick Fury

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Its been about 2 days since Tony Stark's funeral and no one has heard from Wanda, I sent out Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange to try and find her yesterday and still no word from them. I have tried tracking her but I keep getting nothing just a random signal that isn't her. The last I heard from Captain Marvel was that she may have found Wanda but her line has been dead since. Doctor Strange hasn't added any updated since he went off to try and locate her. The main issue we have is that we need to find her before Hayward does as he want to keep her locked up and torture her into telling them about what happened with Hydra and with Pietro.

I finally hear something from Doctor Strange through a digital recording he made. I hope it gives information to where she is and how I can help her get back and safe from Hayward.

"I have found where Wanda is but i can't get close as she is destroying everything. long story short basically she has gone crazy so i need backup. I am at Texas and she is heading towards Westview like something is there already for her. i have feeling she planned this trip and was prepared for retaliation."

This isn't good I thought but at least we have information on where she is and where she is going. I just need to find a way to get her to stop. I need to find out who is free so we can get them to Doctor Strange and fast.

"Colson do you know who is free and able to get to Doctor Strange?" I asked.

"We have Thor and Peter free and not on a mission. Do you wish for me to contact them and send them Doctor Strange's location sir?" Colson replied and asked back.

"yes and make sure they get there quickly I'm not sure how long Doctor Strange can keep up on his own" I answered.

I headed of to the computers to keep track on Doctor Strange's location to make sure it is still the same route as he said. I looked around at all the computer's and realised that on the map there was no Westview which is unusual, I searched it up and nothing came up and i even looked and the end point of Doctor Strange's route and realised there was nothing there but a green field even though he said there was a town there.

"Weird" I muttered to myself confused with what's going on at this moment in time.

I decided to head and do some research into this town Westview. all i could find is that it was a town but it apparently got evacuated in 1910 due to radiation issues but apparently from recent data there is apparently 3000 people living there so its makes no logical sense. I also found out that no one has been able to find it or locate it since the fay after Tony's funeral, which gives of mixed signals to what Wanda Could be up to in a town that no one can seem to find.

5 minutes later Colson comes through with another digital recording from Doctor Strange. the fact that he had a worried expression on his face showed that something muse really by wrong with what's happened recently that they are about to find out about.

"Something weird just happened and I have a lot of weird things. Literally Wanda just walked through a red wall sort of thing into Westview the thing is i can't enter or do anything at this moment in time and from what i can tell if anything does try it gets either sucked in or kicked out. I need backup and fast"

I started trying to come up with a plan to help Doctor Strange and to help Wanda and the people in Westview but the only plan he could think of is to get a group of agents there before Hayward finds out so we can find a way into Westview.

"Colson, get all the best agents together and pack up our gear. We are heading to Doctor Strange and fast so we can help him" I said in a very rude way.

"Of course sire i will get on it" Colson said in a hurry.

Now all that's lest to do is get there and find her and help her before Hayward can have his way with her. My last thought before loading up was

"we will find and help you Wanda but we need to find a way to calm you down and to fix what you have caused on your journey there"

i loaded my stuff and jumped in and we set of. Not knowing what will happen when we get there or how Wanda will react to people trying to get in as we believe Wanda is the one stopping people from getting in Westview

*end of chapter one*

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