Chapter 1: Kairi's Discovery

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Kairi found herself seeking Sora and Riku one day as she needed some assistance with a new project.

She looked high and low but couldn't find them anywhere, until she paid a visit to Sora's house.

As she walked past his domain, a ravenous hunger from within alerted her to the presence of her dear friends, and her eye caught glimpse of the two.

"Sweet baby Walt I finally found--"

She peered at Sora, his glistening skin peering back, his nipples like eyes gazing into her very soul.

"Why are you shirtless?" She questioned.

Sora looked at her.
Stuttering, he said "U-um. There was a heartless and..."

Riku interjected, his arms on Sora, pinning him down.

"We had to take off Sora's clothes as a way of capturing the heartless and defeating it!"

Sora jumped in; "Yeah, that's it!"

Kairi's eyelids lowered in disbelief. Sora's eyes looked away.

"Oh really now?"

"Yep!" Bleated Sora.

"Absolutely." Agreed Riku.

The room fell silent. Kairi's eyes moved up to Sora's face, his eyes now meeting hers.

"What's that you're covered in?" She asked.

Sora stopped for a moment, his erect nipples slowly melting down like a stick of butter left on a plate on a hot Summer's day.

"It's... blood?"

"Heartless blood!" Riku added. "That's why it's white!"

Kairi's eyelids lowered further before walking towards the two. Her finger scraped against Sora's head, wiping away the white slime. She pressed it betwixt her fingers and pulled, elongating it.

"This is cum." She explained.

The two boys stared at each other, embarrassed. Truly this was going to be one of those days.

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