Chapter 8: Hell's Gates

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I woke up the next morning to Minho running his hand down my back, "Aren't you going to be late?" I mumble

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I woke up the next morning to Minho running his hand down my back, "Aren't you going to be late?" I mumble. "No, woke up earlier than usual." He muses, I let out a soft sigh. "You better not die today," I grumble, "Wouldn't dream of it." he chuckles. I nodded and slowly pulled myself up, I ran a hand through my hair before taking the band on my wrist and pulling it up. Glancing back I still see Minho laying back watching me, "Why aren't you getting up?" I huff. "I'm just enjoying the view," He mumbles, I roll my eyes and slap him slightly. "You can 'enjoy the view' when you get back from the Maze." I smirk, Minho groans but rolls out bed anyway. As I stood to leave Minho pulled his shirt off to change, before he could pull out another shirt a press a kiss to the center of his back. I smirk as I felt a shiver roll down his spine, "Shank," He grunts as I leave. I sneak back into my room and grab a change of clothes, I change into a tank top and shorts before leaving with my machete and boots in hand. I meet Minho by the door and he laughs while I try to pull on my boots with the strap of my machete hanging from my mouth, thankfully he doesn't just stand there and laugh as he takes my machete from my mouth before kneeling to help me get my boots on. He even makes sure they're tied while I strap on my blade.

I kiss his forehead before heading to the wall where I etch in the day into the wall as well as the day before. I take my time to circle the day Teresa came, I even put her name on the wall before hurrying to the kitchen. Frypan sends me an unamused look as I slip on an apron, "Had to etch the day and carve Teresa's name into the wall." I excuse. "You're STILL keeping track?" He huffs, "What else would get me up in the morning?" I muse. I smile as Minho and Thomas who come in for breakfast, while they eat I pack them a lunch. I kiss them both on the head as I hand them lunch, "You shanks come back you hear me," I demand placing my hands on my hips. Minho smirks, "You know I can't promise that Mama," He winks. "We'll be back mom," Thomas nods, "Damn right you will, now go!" I huff waving them off. I watch them leave before making the rest of breakfast, in the mist of serving Teresa comes to eat. I smile at her as I hand her food, she sends me a quite thank you before finding a seat near Newt.

After clean up was done, I went to the homestead where Clint caught me up to speed on Alby's condition and the serum Teresa had. Clint puts me on watch until lunch which is when Jeff will take over, so in the meantime I sit on a stool and sharpen my machete until Lunch or Alby wakes up. It killed me to not run to the Maze when I hear it turning, but it was a good thing I didn't because Alby nearly scares me out of skin when he gasps awake. I quickly help him sit up and hold his hands tightly, "Alby? Buddy, can you hear me?" I question. His eyes are wide like he's seen horrors beyond the grave, I expected as much from a Griever sting. "Ably?" I question again, this time his eyes snap up to me and I send him a small smile. "It's going to be okay Alby," I whisper but he simply shook his hair. I stand and wedge myself between his legs before pulling him into a hug, to my surprise he hugs back. When Teresa comes stumbling in I wave her off to tell the others he's awake.

I'm shocked to see Minho and Thomas are among the people that come in. I don't let Alby go as the others try to get answers out of him, and he doesn't seem to be wanting to let me go anytime soon either. As Thomas kneels in front of Alby I can hear him mumble something but it was too unclear for me to tell what it was. Until he spoke one clear word "You" my eyes shot down to Thomas, "You were always their favorite Thomas," he spoke. I felt a chill run down my spine and Alby felt it, gently he pushed me away from him. He took my hands in his and kissed my knuckle before fully letting me go. I briefly turn my attention to the growing commotion outside but I can hear Alby ask Thomas why he came to the Glade. I watch with sad eyes as Alby sinks his head between his legs, but with the growing commotion outside I choose to grab Newt by his arm and pull him outside.

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