Chapter 10

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Oh. My. God. 

I just stand there, shaking. A man (unknown) has broken into our bathroom and has Natasha in a headlock. He is all masked up so I can't see his face. Nats phone is on the bathroom tiles smashed into pieces. What do I do? I've never been in a position like this before. I can feel myself sweating  and my hands are trembling as I just stand at the door totally unfazed. "W-what do you want" I whimper. It's silent. "Please let her go" I say with my voice breaking. I'm scared. Normally I would expect Nat to kick ass and kill the guy as she can easily get out of a head lock, but for some reason, she's not even trying. Is she trying to get herself killed? "Your girlfriend has something that belongs to me" The unknown voice says. For some reason I recognise it. "She's not my girlfriend" I say. It's silent again and Natasha looks up at me and shakes her head slightly. Right, it's obviously not the time. "W-um what exactly does she have that belongs to you?" I ask, quickly moving on. "Ah. You didn't tell your girlfriend that you have it?" The unknown man says whiles looking down to Natasha. "I told you- I told you I don't have it" Nat says struggling to get her words out. "DON'T lie to me you little bitch" The man says whiles pulling her hair tightly. "Okay stop it!" I yell. "Just tell me what it is that we have and I'll give it to you" I say straight out of panic. "No- no Y/N you can't..." Nat tries to spit out. "Shut up!"the man says, interrupting her. "Now where is it?" He asks. It's silent. "Tell me where it is or I swear I will fucking kill her and make you watch" The man says whiles now pointing a gun at me and yelling down Natasha's ear. He lets go of Nat and points a gun at the back of her head and tells her to walk. 

They both walk past me and Nat stares at me with tears filling up her eyes. What? She never cries? I follow up behind them. "Um uh can someone please tell me what's going on"I stutter whiles following them into our bedroom. They ignore me. "It's- uh- it's in the wardrobe" Nat says. The man pushes Natasha onto her knees and keeps a gun aiming at her. I slowly sit on the bed and keep quiet trying not to get myself killed. He rummages through our wardrobe pulling out all sorts of things. "Where the fuck is it"He asks. I just stare at Natasha. "WHERE IS IT?!" Now shouting aggressively at Natasha. "It's underneath there!" Nat says whiles pointing at a pile of my clothes in our wardrobe. What is she doing? I keep wondering when she's going to drop kick him or shoot him in the head but she's hesitating... a lot. Shes got the perfect opportunity now. Why is she acting so fragile? So scared? She doesn't get scared. She's a former Russian spy and was trained in the red room. She's fought literal space demons AND ultron. Why is she letting this middle aged creep take control of her now? After about a minute of rummaging, the unknown man pulls it out from the wardrobe. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. I stare at Natasha in disbelief. " had it..this whole time" I say whiles looking at her. She just looks to the floor. The man was holding the weapon that Hydra had created. Yes THAT weapon. The weapon which is the whole reason me and Nat got sent on this stupid ass mission anyway. The weapon which we were meant to find together and destroy together. But she had it this whole time.

  "Y/N just let me explain" Nat says, still looking at the floor. "You fucking lied to me. You had it this whole time" I say, completely shocked. "We were supposed to find that together" I say. "Together wouldn't of been an option Y/N, I had to do it on my own" Nat says firmly whiles looking up at me. "What? What do you mean?" I ask, now confused and angry. "Working with you would of only just slowed me down. You're weak. I'm sorry but it's true." Natasha says. My stomach drops. "How long have you um- how long have you had it for?" I ask trying to fight the tears. "Our first day here when you were shot. I took you back to hotel room and went out to complete the mission myself whiles you slept." Natasha says now looking at the floor again. "W-why would you do this to me?" I ask. "Heck Y/N isn't it obvious? It was only our first day here are you we're already almost  killed" Nat replies. "Natasha I almost already got killed because I saved your ass" I say loudly. "No you we're trying to prove something" she says now staring at me dead in the eye. The unknown man just stands there and listens to our whole conversation. For some reason he was enjoying it. "Trying to prove what Romanoff?!" I yell. "I don't know but you're always trying to prove fucking something Y/N" Nat yells back. I glance at her completely frustrated. "You're so self obsessed. You know that?" I say. "I'm self obsessed? I didn't tell you about the weapon because I was trying to protect you" She says. "I do not need your protection" I say whiles standing up from the bed. "And can you fuck off and give us some privacy?!" I say now shouting at the unknown man. "I have what I need." He says and leaves, I still don't know who he is but I'm convinced I will find out. Natasha gets up from her feet and is now standing opposite me in our room. "I hate to tell you this princess, but you do need my protection. You can't do fucking anything on your own" She says to my face. "I'm sorry but who the hell are you to tell me what I can and can't do?!"I say now getting louder again.

Nats POV:

"If we did the mission together no doubt you would get hurt and possibly shot again. You can't look after yourself, you're like a child" I say. Y/N stands back from me and takes a pause. "This whole time, you lied to me. I thought maybe you could of actually liked me" Y/N says whiles looking down. "I did like you- I do like you! But I just didn't want you to get hurt" I say. "Ok so riddle me this, on our first day here and you completed the mission...yourself... why did you stay? You could of went back home and left me here and bragged about how you did it on your own, but instead you stayed and put up with me for another week" Y/N says. I understand where she's coming from but I can't believe she would think that low of me. "I'm not going to lie, that thought did cross my mind. But once I seen how much pain you were in, I didn't want to be person who sat by and watched you die." I say whiles getting closer to Y/N again and softly kissing her on the lips. She backs away. "I can't. You are as selfish as I thought" She says and walks out into the kitchen. "Did you not listen to anything I just said??" I say whiles following behind her. 


"How do I know it isn't just a lie? How do I know that's not just another one of your stupid excuses? I can't trust you Natasha!" I say. "No Y/N you're not listening to me!" She says. "Oh I heard everything you said, I listened. But what do you expect? If the roles were switched right now would you trust me?!" I say whiles turning around and facing her. "Yes i would" Nat says. I just laugh "No, no you wouldn't Natasha and you know you wouldn't!" I say. She looks down and shakes her head. "Can't you see that I'm trying here" Nat says. I don't say anything. "I'm not a good person and I've done some terrible things, I know. But I'm trying to change and learn from my mistakes but you're not helping." She says quietly. It's silent. "What do you want me to do about that?" I ask. "Trust me. I need you to trust me Y/N" Nat replies. I look up and shake my head. "See! You're not even giving me a chance! Natasha says whiles walking over to the sofa and sitting on it. "I gave you a chance. So fucking many Nat. I'm not going to switch up that fast just to please you." I say. "So you can take the weapon, hand it in and go home. After all, you've not an avenger anymore are you? I say before walking off into the bathroom to clean up the mess that had recently been made by our intruder. 

Nats POV:

Why is she being like this? Y/N is one of the most annoyingly kindest people I know. I must of really hurt her this time. I walk into the bathroom after her. "What do you want" she asks. "Let me help you" I reply. "No thats ok, I guess you should go and start packing your stuff. Steve will be here for you soon" Y/N says without even looking up at me. I leave the room and make my way to the bedroom.


After Natasha leaves the bathroom, I hear a laugh. I get up to go and see what's going on and when I leave the bathroom Natasha is stood in front of me smiling. "Is this funny to you? Why are you laughing? I ask, completely disgraced. "You're so gullible. It's cute." She says whiles wiping away her tears. Before I even manage to get in a word a gun is facing directly opposite my chest.

Natasha shoots me.


Hi hey hello! It's been a hot minute huh😃 For those of you who don't already know, I was recently randomly logged out of my tiktok account (hottieromanoff) and that's why I haven't been uploading on there. It completely made me lose motivation to update on here but I realised that that's not fair on any of you as I know you are enjoying this story. It would mean the world to me if you could report to tiktok and tell them to give me account back, and also comment on my recent videos just letting others know what has happened. I'm still trying everyday to log back into and before anyone asks, no, I do not remember my password or email as I used a fake one. But thank you for all of your lovely messages on here and all of the concerns. But I'm ok. A little bit worried, but I'm ok. Thanks for all of the love and support it means the very world to me❤️

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