Chapter 16

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After we have all gotten ready, we prepare to leave the house. I haven't been outside in days but I can't wait to get some fresh air. "Y/N hurry up!" Nat shouts through to bathroom door. Why is she so impatient ? "I'm braiding my hair give me a break!" I shout back. "Braid quicker!" She shouts again. She's so frustrating sometimes. After about 5 minutes of doing a quick dutch braid in my hair, I open the door to see Natasha and Wanda both standing at the other side of the door standing impatiently waiting. "Now look who's wasting time huh?!" I say mimicking them. They roll their eyes.

We leave the house and Nat locks the door behind us. She's had the key this whole time? "Wait..where are we?" I ask whiles looking around. "We're in Queens, I told you that when I first brought you here" Nat says. "You mean kidnapped, you basically kidnapped me. And I was bleeding out of my chest so I probably don't remember that" I say. "Yeah either that or you just have a really shitty memory, this all happened 2 days ago" Nat replies. I just roll my eyes at her comment. "Ok love birds let's go" Wanda says as we cross the road of busy New York. I've missed being here, I remember when we had the Avengers tower here in 2014. But then only a couple of years later we updated to the Avengers head quarters which is quite a while away from New York. "Y/N we don't have time for sight-seeing come on" Nat says whiles clapping in my face. I completely zoned out, I miss it here. "Sorry I haven't been outside for over 50 hours I forgot what it looks like" I sarcastically say. "You know, I still have the keys if you want to spend another 50 hours locked in there?" Nat threatens. Well, I'm sure it wasn't a threat but it sure sounds like one. I just look away and carry on walking ahead with Wanda. "That's what I thought" I hear Nat say behind us with I'm sure, a smug look on her pretty face.

"So, where are we going? No one has quite filled me in on that tiny detail yet" I ask. "Home" Wanda says. What? "I-I thought we couldn't go home until it was safe" I say as I turn around to look at Nat. "Me and Wanda was talking before and decided,well,I decided that you're safe now. We have Wanda and you're no longer injured" She says. I stop walking on the middle of the pavement and place my hand in front of Natasha's face. "Are you fucking kidding me?! I have been telling you this the entire time. But now when you have ran out of options you decided to listen to me?" I say quite loudly but not loud enough to embarrass myself. The streets were pretty busy so I didn't want to set a scene. "What are you talking about?" Nat says whiles pushing my hand away and walking in front of me. "W-w you know I'm right, you just don't want to admit it" I say confidently, still standing in the street whiles they walk ahead. Nat runs back and grabs my wrist to keep me walking "you're never right princess" she says. She's so stubborn, she'll never break.

"Does everyone know we're coming back?" I ask. "Yes" Nat replies. "What about Wanda? Do they know about Wanda? Do they know that she's even here? Do they know she tried to kill me?" I ask, multiple times apparently. "Hey! I was grieving ok? I was sad-AM sad but killing you won't make the pain go away, it will just pass it on." Wanda says whiles tilting her head downwards. There's a quiet pause.  "Now that, that was beautiful. You should be a writer, have you ever considered becoming a writer? A poet maybe?" Nat sarcastically says. "Oh fuck you Romanoff. And anyway Y/N you would of probably done the same thing" Wanda says. "No,no I don't actually think I would of, there would be a funeral, maybe some flowers but no killing of my friends" I reply.

30 minutes later
"We have been walking for hoursss" I exaggerate. "We've been walking for 3o minutes" Wanda says. "Yeah 30 minutes is a long ass time" I say. "You're lazy. So lazy. You've probably-no definitely walked around the compound for more than 30 minutes a day" Nat says.

"Why are we walking anyway? Don't get me wrong, I love New York but why couldn't we get one of the other Avengers to pick us up or something?" I ask. "Because we're independent. And we need to stretch our legs" Nat says as we cross a busy road. I hate how she's always thinking so practical. "Y/N you complain an awful lot, Ive known you for almost 7 years and I've never noticed that about you" Wanda says,now getting involved in the conversation. "Wanda you try being shot 3 times, and THEN tell me I complain a lot" I say whiles hinting to Natasha since she's been the one to shoot me. "No Y/N you complained before that, about everything. I've just gave you a valid reason to do so now" Nat interrupts. "Ok then maybe I just won't talk!" I say. "Ok" Wanda says, "thank god" Nat sighs.

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