Chapter 5

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I open my eyes to the sound of crying. A crying I didn't recognise. I shot up to see Natasha panicking in her sleep. What do I do? She never cries. "Nat-Natasha" I say whiles gently shoving her shoulder. She's not waking up? "Natasha come on wake up." I'm worrying. All of a sudden Nat sits up sweating and shaking. I just stare at her with worry on my face. "Are you ok?" I ask. She just starts crying and puts her head down "hey hey it's ok"I say whiles pulling her into a hug. I don't know what to do.

Nats POV:
Y/N hugs me for a while. "Bad dream?" She asks. I nod my head. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks again. I shake my head. "Ok" she says whiles rubbing my back. It was much more than a bad dream. My mind had just unlocked memories I tried to forget. Memories from my past that I wasn't ready to open up to Y/N about yet. I mean, we're not even friends right? "Do you want some water?" Y/N asks. I shake my head and pull away from the hug. "How's your wound?" I ask. I don't really like being the centre of attention. "It's ok but Nat are you sure that you're o..." I quickly interrupt her "yes Y/N I'm fine. Just drop it ok, it has nothing to do with you anyway"I say quite abruptly. Y/N frowns and nods whiles lying back down. "Goodnight then" she says.
"Goodnight" I say realising what I had said was kind of rude. She was just trying to help.

I'm done being nice to her. I was actually worried about her and I just wanted to help. I'm not going to let it bother me so I close my eyes and manage to fall back asleep.

"Wake up, Y/N wake up" I open my eyes again to see Natasha hanging over my face. I push her away. "What it's so earlyyy" I moan. "It's 10am" she replies. I sit up in realisation that we have slept in. But I don't blame us because we were distracted through out the night. I get up out of bed and go to make a glass of water with Nat following behind me. "Hey Y/N I'm sorry about last night, I know you were only trying to help." She says. I just smile and lightly nod as I was still a little mad at her. "I'm going to get ready." Nat says and heads to the bathroom. I sit down on the couch and wait for her to finish. She's taking longer than usual. "Romanoff what are you doing in there? Some of us need to get ready too" I say whiles loudly knocking on the door.

Nats POV:
God she's so impatient. "Just a minute" I say. I can't stop thinking about the nightmare I had last night. After Y/N fell back asleep I struggled too. because it was just on my mind. I finally finish up getting ready. I straightened my hair down and I'm wearing a plain white shirt with blue jeans. I open the bathroom door to see Y/N standing opposite me impatiently. "Finally." She says. "Are you going to need help getting changed again today?" I ask. "No, I'm feeling much better and stronger, thanks though." Y/N replies. "Okay" I say and leave the bathroom so she can get ready.

I'm not lying, I do feel much better. I pick out my outfit, Today I'm wearing black shorts and a white long-sleeved shirt. Although I've healed pain-wise, I still have a slight scar from the bullet and I don't think I'm confident enough yet to wear my regular tight tops. I noticed as I putting on my shirt I was in a bit of pain. Not as much as yesterday but I still think I could of benefited from Nats help if I let her. I stare in the mirror for around 3 minutes trying to figure out what to do with my hair. After trying out many different hairstyles, I decide to just shove it up in a ponytail. "God and I thought I took forever." I hear a sarcastic voice shout from outside the door. She's right, I am taking a while. I grab my shoes and bag and we both head out.

"I'm not hungry for breakfast this morning" Nat says as we're walking down the stairs in our hotel to go the main lobby. "No me neither" I reply. With that being said we skip breakfast and head straight outside. "Where do you want to go today." I ask. Natasha looks at me. "You choose" she says. "I appreciate it Nat but I don't know the first thing about Paris, and you've been a professional undercover spy longer than I have so I assume you know your way around here much better than I do." I say. She smiles. "Your right, I'm better than you." Nat says. I shake my head at her. She can be really blunt sometimes.

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