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Claire's POV

When I entered my room, my suitcase was already there. I changed into some leggings and put a cardigan over my shirt, slipping on my converse.

My mind kept wandering back to Vic's kiss. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't put the thought out of my head. Vic Fuentes kissed me. I flopped on my bed, smiling and giddy like a 12-year old. He kissed me!

The boys had to get to the venue for a sound check and set-up, so that meant Alex and I had a full day to ourselves. I only flown over San Francisco, but Alex seemed to know her way around.

She burst through the door. Speak of the devil.

"Hey loser. We're going shopping. Meet you in the lobby in 5."

Before I could respond, she had turned and left.

I grabbed my purse, credit card, and $200 from my wad of cash. I put my hair up, and started for the lobby.

Halfway down the hall, I heard running and yelling behind me. Sounded like a herd of kids sprinting down the hotel hallway.

I sidestepped to let them pass, but when I turned around, it was just the boys screwing around.

"Clayureee what UPP" they shouted as they ran by. Vic stopped and kissed me on the cheek as he ran by.

The boys were followed closely behind my their manager, who rolled their eyes and gave me a helpless look.

I shrugged my shoulders, smiling. They must be on their way to the sound check.

In the lobby, Alex sat reclining in a chair, with huge sunglasses hugging her face.

"Dahling, dahling, good morning" she faked a dramatic accent.

I laughed. "You're such a dork."


After two hours of vigorous shopping, five bags of merchandise, and two pairs of really sore feet, Alex and I decided to go back to the hotel to hang out before we went to the boys' concert.

As we walked into the lobby and headed for the elevators, we heard obnoxious cackling behind us. I turned my head to acknowledge the noise with an annoyed glance, and there, surrounded by a posse of bitchy, mean-looking girls, was Lindsay. She looked at us with a jeering smirk.

Alex laughed as I stared in horror. She stuck both her middle fingers in the air and dragged me on to the elevator.

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