21. Twin

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Anastasia POV

"where are my kids?" he said with a fake smile

"hello dad" papa, uncle josh, and uncle Shane say in union

"my kids I missed you ho.... WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?" he shouted seeing me

OH.. so, after destroying my life he doesn't remember me? such a great man

"dad this is..." I cut off papa saying

"did you really forget me or acting up in front of your son's and grandson's for your reputation?" I said with my voice full with venom

"what are you talking about?" Giovani asked

"I would like to know that too" my so-called-grandfather said

I am not accepting him as my grandfather

"don't say me you forgot our time together if you do not remember then think of the time when I was fucking 10 and you came home with Marie and Liam"

"are you?...."

"ahh so you finally realize who I am" I spat with a single tear running down my cheek

"can you tell what's happening?" Nicholas asked

"Nicholas you once asked me who Alvin's dad was remember?" I asked

"I did but why that topic now Lexi?" he asked

But I think Vincenzo put the dots together and took no hesitation in coming forward and punching Xavier on his face and hugging me for my comfort I immediately wrapped my hands around his waist and started to sob

"I now don't want to have any relation with you, I can't believe you could do something like that with a 10-year-old child Xavier" uncle Shane said

"you leave your father for a slut" he shouted

"don't you dare call our little sister slut" I hear the triplets shout at once

"get out of our sight Xavier" aunt Hellen, aunt Venessa and mama shouted

"you are all blinded by this little bitch's drama" Xavier shouted before leaving

That's when I broke down I feel on my knees and started to cry I felt some run towards my direction and wrap their hands around my shoulders and making my face rest on his chest

Then he started to rub circles on my back with his thumb which was totally comforting I snuggled more into his embrace enjoying his sent and took a deep breath, soon my sobs turned into hiccups and I looked up to see lucifer was the one who made me calm

"thanks Damon"

"any time Elena go to sleep you had enough drama"

And I guess exhaustion got best out of me so I fell asleep last think I know was lucifer picking me up bridal style

I woke up with a bad feeling like something was about to happen

Then I remembered what happened I went out of my room to living room to see all my 15 older brothers discussing something with a frown on their faces with papa and lucifer

Wait what is Damon doing here?

Good question kola let me ask him

"Damon why are you here?" I asked

"you are awake how are you feeling?" he questions me back

"I am good but what's wrong with all of you? You seem like you just got to know that there is a 'hidden brother' and he will be coming here" I said trying to joke around but all oof their face stiffened

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