Chapter Three

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Chapter Three “And I can lend you broken parts” - Over Again

It was the next morning after the girls met up, everyone in Kristen’s house was up…except for Kristen and Kelsey. They slept in…a lot, it was normal until like eleven AM to one PM, but never later, their parents wouldn’t let them.

Kelsey was the first to wake up, she crawled out of bed and checked the time, twelve-thirty, normal. She grabbed a towel and clothes to wear that day and headed into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. When she was finished, she dried off and got into her denim ripped shorts, white bandeau and lace tank top. She dries her blonde hair, then curls the ends. She applies her normal makeup, eyeliner, mascara and lip stain. She then exits the bathroom and checks the time again, one-fifteen. Time to wake up Kristen Kelsey thinks.

She goes beside Kristen’s light purple floral bed and starts shaking her a little, giving her little wake ups. She tries her best, but Kristen still doesn’t wake up…weird. Kristen usually wakes up when Kelsey tries to wake her up. She feels her forehead, normal. Kristen should be waking up, this worries Kelsey, a lot.

“Mom!” Kelsey yells at the top of her lungs “Come quick!”

“What is is, honey?” Her mother asks.

“Kristen, she won’t wake up” Kelsey explains, pointing in Kristen’s direction.

Her mother goes up to Kristen’s bed and shakes her softly, Kristen still doesn’t wake up. She feels her forehead, normal. She checks her breathing, unsteady, she checks her heartbeat,barely beating.

“Kelsey go call an ambulance now, Kristen, her heart isn’t really beating” their mom says tragically. This scares the crap out of Kelsey, but does as she’s told. She calls 911 as tears fall from her eyes.

“911, what’s your emergency?” A man asks from the other end.

“My sister, her heart is barley beating, I need an ambulance, now” Kelsey explains, managing to keep her sobs and hiccups in. The man asks for her address and all the information needed, and Kelsey answers.

“The ambulance is on it’s way” the man says as soon as the sirens come near. Kelsey immediately hangs up and runs downstairs to ‘greet’ them, well…to show them where Kristen is. 

“She’s in here!” Kelsey yells as the ambulance screeches to a stop. The paramedics just nod and run to the back, taking out a stretcher and wheeling it inside right behind Kelsey running. Once they get in the house, her mom already is downstairs with Kristen in her arms.

The paramedics quickly take her from their mom and places her on the stretcher and wheels her out.

“Honey, I’m going to go with them. You call your father and tell him to come pick you up then drive you to the hospital, I love you” her mom says quickly, then running out the door and hopping into the ambulance.

Kelsey does as she’s told and calls her father. Her dad quickly arrives at the house and Kelsey hops in, hoping that her sister’s alright.

“Please, please, please” Kelsey mumbles into her hands, that are currently in the ‘praying’ position.

“You just need to be strong for her” her dad says. Her dad as always been strong, she’s never seen him cry before, not once.

They finally arrive at the hospital, the traffic was heavy so it took them about and hour. When they arrive, the immediately go to the front desk to ask where Kristen is.

“Room 317, third floor” the secretary says, pointing towards an elevator. They hop into the elevator and press the ‘three’ button. In less than thirty seconds they are on the third floor, scanning room numbers for three seventeen. Once they find it, they open the door. Her mom looks up, eyes red and puffy.

“She has-” her mom tries to say, after sobs she finally says the word, anyone is dreading to hear “She has cancer”.

Kelsey drops to her knees and cries, she cries and cries. Her parents comes and warp their arms around her. Kristen is her best friend…best friend. Kelsey quickly gets up and texts Emma, Victoria and Jay, the writing is messy but they need to know.

Krsten got cancer :’( 

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