Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen “But baby if you want my to stay, I’ll change my mind” -Change My Mind

Harry and Victoria were getting pretty close, they’ve gone on a few dates, but they aren’t quite boyfriend and girlfriend yet.

Today was the day Harry wanted to change that, he wasn’t sure if he loved Victoria yet, but he has very, very strong feelings for her. He picks up his phone, scrolls through his contacts until the name Victoria(: comes up. He presses call and waits for her to answer.

“Hey Harry! What’s up?” Victoria answers cheerfully.

“Hey, um…can I come over for a bit?” Harry responds.

“Sure. Is everything ok?” Victoria asks, a bit worried.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in about five minutes”. With that, Harry hangs up, picks up his keys and leaves his small condo and heads towards the girl’s place.

He gets up on their small porch and knocks a couple times until Victoria answers. “Hi Harry! Come in” Victoria greets him, stepping aside so he can come in.

Harry goes to sit on the couch. “Would you like some tea?” Victoria asks, heading towards the kitchen, that’s only separated from the living from an island.

“Yes please!” Harry calls. Victoria goes to make the tea, when she finishes, she goes into the living room and hands Harry his cup.

“What do you want to talk about?” Victoria asks, sipping her tea.

“Well…uh…I was wondering if you would…um…want to be my girlfriend?” Harry says, letting it come out in more of a question type of matter.

Victoria stayed quiet for a moment, making sure she heard him properly before saying “Aw…Harry, of course!”

Harry sets his tea down on the coffee table, as does Victoria, and he moves closer to Victoria, he picks her up and sets him on her lap. They sit there just talking and cuddling, until around eight o’clock. They didn’t have to worry about the girls coming since Harry told the boys about his plan, and the boys told the girls, except for Victoria, so the rest of the girls are hanging out with the boys.

“Dammit, it’s eight, I should get going” Harry says, pecking Victoria’s cheek with a kiss.

“Oh, ok” Victoria says, disappointed. After she says that, her phone goes off, it’s a text, from an unknown number.

I see you Victoria, with your new BF. Tell him to stay away or I’ll hurt you!

What? Victoria thinks, going over to her window, seeing a figure hop into a dark car and driving off into the horizon.

“Um…Harry, can you stay for a little while longer?” Victoria asks, biting her nails.

“Sure” Harry responds, sitting back on the couch. Victoria goes over and turns on TV, putting on a Big Bang Theory marathon. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to, but if I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll have to go” Harry says as she curl into him, causing her to laugh.

They sit there laughing, but Victoria cannot get that person out of her head.

Who is he and what does her want from her? Whoever he or she is, she’s finally perfectly happy and that person isn’t going to ruin it.

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