Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven “Youth is like diamonds in the sun, and diamonds are forever”  - Forever Young

Congratulations! The girls have graduated high school and are now in London, attending the one and only, University of London, to become teachers. Emma to become a music teacher, Victoria to become a dance teacher, Kristen and Jay to become primary teachers and Kelsey to become a gym teacher.

Meanwhile, the boys of One Direction have just finished their Up All Night tour and are back in London, little do they know, the girls are there to.

It was just a regular day for Kelsey and Emma while they were walking down the street, looking around London, getting a feel for it, when they hear a faint screaming. Soon it gets louder and louder, the girls look around to see a mob of girls running in their direction, so they quickly slip into an alley and behind a garbage can. They hear quick footsteps, and people plunking down beside them.

“Don’t mind us” a british accent comes out in a whisper.

“Emma?” An irish accent comes out thick, but also in a whisper.

“Um…yes?” Emma answers awkwardly, not knowing who it is.

“What are you doing in London?” The irish voice comes again “Don’t you live in like…Florida?” 

“I used to, and you are….wait, Niall?” Emma says, finally realizing who it is.

Niall laughs a little “Yep!”

“I go to school here, along with Victoria, Kristen, Jay…” Emma explains “…and Kelsey over here” Emma nudges Kelsey’s arm a little.

“Just a question, why are you in an alley?” The british voice says, coming into view as…Zayn.

“We heard screaming, saw the fans, didn’t want to get trampled and killed, ran into the alley, sat down and here we are!” Emma explains.

“No, really?” Kelsey says, finally speaking up.

“Yes really, and I’m hungry” Emma answers, standing up “The fans gotta be long gone by now”.

“So about the food…” Niall goes on “Do you and Kelsey want to go to lunch with me and Zayn?”

Emma looks at Kelsey, and Kelsey looks at Emma. “Sure!” Kelsey says. They all stand up and head towards McDonald’s, which it just down the street. 

They head into McDonald’s, Zayn and Kelsey ordering like normal people, while Emma and Niall ask for multiple fries, burgers, etc…

“Let’s eat!” Emma shouts as they pretty much run towards a booth in the back. While munching on food and having small talk, Niall speaks up again.

“You guys seem pretty cool” Emma and Kelsey narrow their eyebrows in the ‘you kidding?’ kind of way “You got twitter?”

Emma looks at Kelsey and nods. “What’s twitter?” Kelsey says, shaking her head in confusion.

“Ok, you got to be kidding me! What’s twitter? Only one of the best sites ever!” Niall explains, overreacting to the girls ‘not knowing what twitter is’.

“Dude, relax. We know what it is” Niall sighs of relief, as Kelsey explains “But Tumblr’s better”. Niall and Zayn shrug their shoulders, as if they had no comeback.

“And it’s KelseyDaSport and EmDaFoodie, we know, weird names but hey, we’re cool like that” Emma buts in.

“Cool” Niall says and he whips out his phone. After about a minute or so, he looks directly at Emma and Kelsey, waiting for something.

After some awkward moments of just staring, Niall finally cracks “Why aren’t your phones buzzing?”

“We don’t get tweets sent directly to our phones” Kelsey says, eating another fry. Niall looks at Emma, who just shrugs her shoulders.

Niall just leans back and sighs, as Emma’s phone goes off.

“Oh, hey Victoria!”

Hi! What are you doing right now?

“I’m with Kelsey, Niall and Zayn. What are you doing, stalker?” 

What? Is uh…Harry there?

“Why, you like him?”

Pfft, no! Anyways, we’re having a movie night tonight, so can you pick up some snacks?


Oh, and make sure to give them to Kelsey.


Because you’ll eat them all if you hold onto them.

“Fine, see you”


“We need to get snacks, but Victoria told me to give them to you” Emma repeats what Victoria said to her on the phone to Kelsey.

“Why?” Zayn asks.

“Because if she has them, she’ll eat them all” Kelsey says pretty much what Victoria said.

“Haha, Harry’s asking about your friend Victoria right now, he wants to go back to Florida to see her” Niall laughs.

“She’s here though, he should ask her out, you can easily tell her likes her” Zayn explains, stating the obvious.

“How do you know?” Kelsey asks.

“The way he looks at her”.

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