Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Ever since Louis found out about Jay doing drugs and smoking, he’s been with her all the time, watching her every move, but one time he left to go the store thinking he can leave trust in her. When he left, Jay grabbed her already rolled cigarettes of drugs from Zach and left to go on the back deck to smoke them. She got lost in time and how numerous cigarettes.

“Hey Jay I’m-” before Louis finished his sentence and didn’t see her, he rushed outside to see her tripping over her feet “Jay!”

“H-he-hi” she slurs, before passing out on the porch. Louis shakes her to make her become awake, but it doesn’t work. He tries to hear her breathing but there’s nothing.

“Shit” he mumbles, calling the emergency number. The operator answers a calm hello while Louis frantically explains what’s going on. In a matter of minutes, an ambulance has arrived. Louis rides to the hospital with her, holding her hand tight, when they were about halfway there, Jay opens her eyes a little.

“Jay?” Louis says, eyes widened.

“I’m sorry, Louis” she whispers before closing her eyes again.

“No Jay, wakeup, wakeup Jay, I love you” he yells at her, getting the nurse in the ambulance to calm him down.

When they arrive at the hospital, Jay’s rushed into emergency to get flushed, drained from the drug. After hours of waiting, a doctor comes out and announces: “Jay?” Louis instantly shoots up and rushes over to the doctor, but being stopped by a fan.

“Hi, can I get a picture?” She pretty much demands.

“I’d love to but I’m really busy right now, sorry” Louis slips out, before running towards the doctor.

“Hi…” the doctor trails off.

“Louis. Louis Tomlinson. How is she?”

“She’s fine, she’s sleeping right now and should wake up soon, you’re very lucky. If you called any later she would be gone”.

Tears threaten to spill from his eyes “Can I see her?”

“Of course, follow me”. The doctor leads Louis into Jay’s room, when he first walked in he saw a fragile, broken Jay. She was always strong, not only in muscle but also strong willed. Seeing her like this broke Louis’ heart, he never wanted to see her this way. He goes to sit down and holds her hand, squeezing it, trying to show her how much he loved her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop looking at her, it was impossible, he kept looking. He feels guilt, he feels if he never left she wouldn’t be in this situation.

“Why are you staring at me?” A muffled, girly voice mumbles. Louis looks around, but then sees Jay…awake.

“Jay! You’re awake!” Louis cries, jumping up onto her bed and pulling her into a hug, she laughs but then realizes Louis was crying.

“W-why are you crying?”

“You don’t remember what happened?” Louis asks, rubbing his eye.

She shakes her head ‘no’.

“You um, took more drugs, and uh, overdosed” Louis explains while having a tear fall from his eye, imagining the imagine of Jay on the back deck ODed.

“Oh Louis, I’m so sorry!” Jay tells him, a few tears falling from her eyes as well. She was mad at herself for doing drugs again, but the tears were because she felt terrible that Louis had to go through everything.

“Jay, it’s ok, you’re alright, that’s all that matter” Louis smiles, kissing her cheek. They spend the rest of their time together watching the TV in the room, talking about the random and cuddling. But then Louis brings up something, Jay doesn’t want him too.

“I-I’m going to help you stop, I’ll do a better job” Louis says against her cheek, giving her a quick kiss.

“Ok” Jay whispers.

“Now, please tell me. Who is giving you the drugs?”

“Um, my old friend Zach”.

“Your friend is the one giving you drugs?” Louis asks, shocked.

“Yes, before I graduated he got into them and he moved here too and when my parents died, um…yeah”.

When Jay could leave the hospital, they left, Louis and Jay worked and worked as hard as they could to get her to quit. Finally, after a little, she did quit.

“I’m so proud of you Jay, and um, I love you” Louis smiles, hugging her with one arm.

“Thanks, I love you too” Jay says, kissing Louis’ lips.

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