☀️Chapter Six☀️

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Jesse and Lukas had left Beacontown in Radar's care to help Harper, Ivor, Gabriel and Ash find the other Phoenixes. They were now in a forest several hundred miles away. The sun was slowly setting, casting beautiful shadows around. Ash was curled up asleep on Gabriel's lap. The warrior was running his fingers through her hair. Actually, he was the only one who was still awake. Not that he wasn't tired because he definitely was. Anxiety can go burn in hell! He thought. Ivor knew that Gabriel had anxiety. Ash also knew. But normally it wasn't this bad. He sighed quietly. What good would he be at fighting if he didn't get any rest. Gently moving Ash from his lap, he curled next to her before drifting into sleep.

Gabriel opened his eyes. He was in a dark throne room with a familiar figure standing in front of him, their back turned to him. Gabriel gasped, feeling tears forming in his eyes, "Magnus?" He breathed, grinning. Magnus turned to face him. The griefer's hazel eyes widened. He walked up to the warrior and embraced him. Gabriel let out a small sob, "Is it really you?"
Magnus nodded, as the two broke apart, "Yep, battered but okay,"
The pair stood in silence, smiling. Magnus broke it, "Say, I've been hearing that you're a Phoenix descendant. Is it true?"
Gabriel looked taken aback, "Y-yes but how would you know? You're dead,"
Magnus chuckled a very evil sounding chuckle, "Oh Gabriel, you are so naive. Did you think that I could come back without something to keep me alive? No! The Kieanaas are my family now,"
Gabriel's tears began to fall. Magnus. His somewhat of a brother Magnus, had caused this. No. Just no! It wasn't right. No! No this is just my imagination! Gabriel thought desperately, Magnus is dead whether I like it or not!
As Gabriel thought this, Magnus' eyes became bright red. His pupils narrowed into slits. Flames appeared around his eye. His outfit became a mix of black and red. The last thing Gabriel heard before waking was, "This is reality, son of Lirea,"

Gabriel woke up sobbing quietly. He must have moved closer to Ash, who had cuddled him in the night. He was gently being forced to sit up. Ivor was at his side. Harper, Jesse and Lukas were close by. They allowed him to calm down first, for which he was grateful. Ivor whispered, "Do you... Need to braid my hair?"
Gabriel whimpered and nodded. Ivor knelt in front of him, backward facing. Gabriel entangled his fingers into Ivor's thick black hair. Ash had learnt that this was not a thing to be jealous of. It turned out that when Gabriel and Ivor were teenagers, Ivor would allow Gabriel to play with/braid his hair after something bad had happened (ie. His younger brother's death). Everyone watched this as Gabriel calmed down. It was as though with each part of the braid Gabriel entangled his own sadness. It was a while until Gabriel finally muttered, "Magnus caused this..."

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