🔥Chapter Fifteen🔥

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As the Jesse walked through the forest, she took in everything until she heard something. Voices. Fortunately, very familiar voices: Ash and Gabriel. But, then another sound cut through the air. A whimper of an injured animal. She ran to let the couple know.
Ash was curled up in Gabriel's side, drifting asleep with Gabriel stroking the bridge of her nose with his thumb. Jesse felt rather guilty about interrupting them but it had to be done,
"Gabriel! Ash!" She yelled. The pair immediately stood up, looking alarmed. Gabriel ran to Jesse.
"What is it, Jess? Is everything okay?"
Jesse explained what she had heard. Gabriel looked considerate,
"Go and get Ivor," He said, once the girl had finished. Said girl then went to look for the man. Ash looked at her boyfriend confused,
"What are you doing?"
Gabriel only smiled in reply.

A grey wolf lay shaking on the ground, blood drenched it's fur and an arrow sticking out of it's side. The poor thing looked within an inch from death. Gabriel approached it slowly, as to not scare it. The wolf growled at him but Gabriel was not phased,
"Shh," He said in his soothing voice, "Shh, it's alright, we aren't going to hurt you," He turned to face Ivor, "Do you have a Calming Potion?"
The black haired male handed the warrior one. Said warrior then dripped part of it onto a bone, which he placed in front of the wolf. The wolf sniffed at it cautiously, before deciding that it was safe and began to nibble at the bone. Gabriel stroked the wolf gently as he whispered, "Now, let's get that arrow out," He pulled it as gently as he could from the wolf's body. The animal whined in pain. Gabriel heard this and pulled out a Healing Potion. He dripped the liquid on to the gash the arrow had left. The wolf relaxed and nuzzled Gabriel.
That's too sweet to exist! Jesse thought, trying very hard to keep herself from squealing.

That night, five Kieanaas found them. Gabriel told his dog, Audrey, to hide. Ellegaard, Gabriel and Eliza spread their wings. Eliza summoned her tridant and the fight began. Gabriel headed for the first, drawing his sword. The Kieanaa was ready. She darted out of his way. In that moment, Gabriel thought she looked familiar somehow. That didn't matter right now though. The Kieanaa launched herself at him. Gabriel brought his sword down, giving her a nasty scar between the eyes. He smirked. He dove below her, positioning himself perfectly. He flew back up again, spearing the Kieanaa with his sword. Yet again, the rest of the battle had been handled. And then something caught his eye. A ginger figure lying on the forest floor,
"Soren!" Gabriel yelled. He and Ellegaard dove down to their friend.

Soren lay, barely breathing, covered in blood. Ivor was kneeling at his side. Gabriel and Ellegaard soon arrived, also kneeling at the architect's side. The architect gazed up at them and reached one of his hands out. Understanding what their big brother meant, Ivor, Gabriel and Ellegaard linked their fingers with his. Soren smiled gently as his eyes rolled and he stopped breathing. Ivor gasped quietly. Ellegaard and Gabriel began sob. And who could blame them? One of their best friends, their big brother, was dead. Ellegaard had her face buried in her hands. They couldn't believe it, not one of them could. All they knew was that it felt like they were loosing a part of themselves. Ivor suppressed his sobs, he had stay strong for the younger two, crying next to him. Ash came over and brought Gabriel into her arms. For this he was grateful but even his girlfriend couldn't make it better.

Gabriel and Ellegaard only stopped crying once they had no tears left. They didn't leave Soren's body though. They didn't care if they had no energy tomorrow. It was soon realised that staying by the body would only make it hurt more. They stood, took a last glance at Soren and left.

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