❄️Chapter Nineteen❄️

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Quick A/N
I might start adding POV's. Depends. I just think it could work for some situations.

Gabriel hadn't felt this weak in a long time. It reminded him painfully of his wither sickness and when he had revealed the truth. Ash had heard the truth and she didn't hate him. She worried whether he was alright or not. The warrior took a steadying breath. The sweet smells of the forest filled him with a a sense of calm. The thunderstorm had set off his trauma. He laughed quietly. Now it was over, he found it rather funny. How had he managed to blame himself for a sinking ship? Perhaps because he had delayed his father from getting to lifeboats. The witherstorm had also left a trauma and even a little depression in his life. He pulled out his mother's necklace again and turned it over and over again in his hand. He felt very connected to the necklace. He sniffled a little. He closed his eyes again and breathed deeply. Always take deep breaths before a battle, no matter the type. He told himself this on a regular basis since Lydia's death. He calmed himself soon enough. He felt someone brush against his arm. Ash stood in the early morning light, the rays of sun made her look like a goddess. Nothing was said for a while as the pair stared lovingly into one another's eyes. Eventually Gabriel spoke, looking away from the girl, "I'm sorry about last night,"
Ash made the warrior look at her, "It's okay, you can't help it,"
Gabriel grit his teeth, "I'm a warrior. Thunder and lightning should never phase me,"
Ash groaned inwardly. Why was he like this? Why couldn't he accept himself?
Ash took his hands in hers, "It doesn't matter, honey. The point is, you're perfect just the way you are," She pulled him into an embrace, "And the fact that I love you,"
"I love you too, angel,"

Gabriel's POV
"You two are so adorable!"
Ivor laughed at Ellegaard's teasing. Damn, why do they always have to listen to me and Ash whenever we're alone!? I buried my face in my hands, I don't want to look at them unless they aren't teasing me. Not that there's a hope for that. I hated being the youngest in the Order. I still do. When all of this is over or when we've found all the Phoenixes, maybe I'll propose to Ash. She is the one for me, I know that. Leaving the other two, I allowed myself to get lost in these thoughts. Hopefully some training will help me calm down.

No one's POV
Gabriel closed his eyes, channelling his power from his hands into his sword. A blast of ice shot from the sword. Gabriel stared in mild amazement. He heard a nearly silent flicker of flames. He pushed his hand out to the side and immediately extinguished the small fireball. Gabriel turned around to see Adrian staring open-mouthed at him. Gabriel chuckled. Adrian recovered from the shock and said, "How did you know?"
Gabriel smiled, "My warrior instincts give me, ah, better senses than others. And the fact that I felt the heat of it,"
Adrian smiled, "Guess that makes sense,"
Gabriel bit his tongue for a second, "If you don't mind me asking. Are you descended from-"
"Cowboys, yeah. They were from the Phoenix Order, obviously," Adrian didn't seem to mind about Gabriel asking of his ancestors. Instead he asked the warrior a similar question, "Were your own ancestors warriors,"
Gabriel smiled and nodded, "Oh yes. They were from an ancient tribe that broke up centuries before I was born," This gave him a sense of pride. He knew the other Order members ancestors, despite the fact that he hated Magnus with every fibre of his body. What had happened to him was like a wound that would not heal and it was a scar that he resented. The sooner they found the other Phoenixes, the better.

The Phoenix Order: An MCSM Fanfic | Book 1/?Where stories live. Discover now