🌕Chapter Twenty-one🌕

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Wholesome Gabriel chapter because no reason!
The wind swept through the forest. Early morning mist and dew settled upon it. Gabriel still had his arms around Ash. None of the others were awake, the warrior always being the first awake. Normally, he would see if he could find food supplies (such as animals or berries or nuts if he was lucky) but today he just did not feel like leaving Ash's side. Well, He thought, After last night, she does need the extra cuddles. Not that I wouldn't give her any otherwise, Gabriel, despite being brave and strong, had a softer side. This side only came out to play if; someone close had died, he had had a nightmare, Ash had had a nightmare, he was just genuinely scared or worried, he was doubting or blaming himself. This side was the clingy. Not many knew, but Gabriel felt like, if anything went wrong, it was his fault. He heard Ivor stirring from the other side of the clearing. He sat up slightly but kept Ash on his lap. The sun was just above the horizon. He took off his gauntlets and stroked Ash's hair from her face before running his fingers across her forehead. Yes, He thought, I am most definitely spending the whole day at her side. Ash had brought so much joy to his often dark world. She had been there when he needed her. She and, for a while, she alone had taken his tears when no one else would. Ash had made him laugh even when Gabriel had felt as though all joy, laughter and hope had vanished from the world. He had sworn to himself before they had started dating to forever be her guardian angel. Her Angel Gabriel.
As he reminded himself of this vow, Gabriel heard footsteps and found Ivor sitting next to him, "Morning Ivor," He said. Ivor smiled and greeted him before saying,
"You really love her, don't you?" There was no mocking in his tone. Gabriel smiled and midly blushed,
"Yes, more than anything in the world," He paused, "I want to marry her but I'm nervous that I'll say-"
Ivor smiled, "The wrong thing?" He made a small noise of amusement, "The Gabriel I know wouldn't be nervous about what to say when proposing to someone,"
Gabriel gave a bark of laughter, "The Gabriel I used to be was a cocky son of a b*tch who was blinded by pride," He said, clearly resenting his past-self. Ivor looked slightly sympathetic,
"You only acted like that because that was what you thought people expecting of you. I wouldn't be surprised if you still act like that when in public,"
Gabriel laughed again, more sadly to the point where it could be mistaken for a sob, "The public hate me Ivor. Ash is part of the few people who will listen and not laugh or insult me for it,"
Ivor wrapped an arm around him, "I don't hate you and the world will see what a great person you are, hero or not,"
Gabriel smiled and placed his face in the crook of Ivor's neck, "Thank you Ivor," He muttered gratefully, "It's just.... Well you know what I'm like,"
"You're my little brother, that's what I'm here for,"

Ash and Ellegaard were talking while Gabriel stood behind Ash and braided her hair. Ellegaard looked curious, "Is there a reason he's being so clingy today?" She asked. Ash smiled and blushed,
"Oh, trust me, if I have a nightmare he will be clingy,"
Gabriel still didn't meet the girls' eyes but said, "Something wrong with that, Angel?"
Said girls giggled and said in perfect unison, "Nope!"
Out of the blue, Ellegaard said, "I've just realised how tall Gabriel is compared to you,"
Ash grinned, "I'm five foot nine while he's six foot four," She turned and raised her head and kissed Gabriel on the lips. From dawn until dusk, Gabriel followed Ash and had his arms around her or braided and played with her hair.

Gabriel and Ash were the only two awake now. Ash slipped her hand on Gabriel's waist. The warrior looked confused, "What are you doing?"
Ash only tickled him in reply. Gabriel laughed, happy to let her play with him. Ash then slipped her hand to Gabriel's thigh and tickled it's underside, grinning. After the brief tickle attack on Gabriel, Ash climbed on top of him and muttered, "Pillow," Before drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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