The light of day

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Daniel James Howell was living up life. He became a YouTube star at age 19 and even though he was a college drop out, it didn't matter to him. Dan always wore black and even had a black leather shirt, that some how looked good on him. Even though he was happy mostly all the time he had a special place for when he was sad. It was called his "Existential Crisis Rug." A place where he laid down on the rug until he felt better. Dan never expected it to happen but he was about to change someone's life forever.

Dan's parents were friends with Phil's parents. Through talking Dan found out Phil's serious condition when he was at a young age. And because he was young Dan thought it was paranormal and unnatural for anyone to be like that. But could you really blame him? As Dan and Phil grew, Dan realized the gravity of Phil's situation and thought it best to stay out of it. What could he do? Not even expert therapists could help Phil. What made Dan capable of doing anything? To himself he was a complete failure. He was a college drop out and his existential crisis ruled his life. There was nothing in this world that he was good at except for YouTube but that wasn't a career choice for him so far. His parents were so disapointed in him. He couldn't excell at anything. Sure he loved life but on the inside he knew what he was to the world to his parents to himself. But everything was going to be okay.

Dan's parents finally decided to help Dan get a jumpstart on his life once more. They bought him his own flat and helped him move in and they started job hunting for him. And although Dan appreciated what they were doing for him, he knew it wasn't going to last. Dan had no interest in any of this.He just wanted to be the failure that he knows he is and self harm. No one new or seemed to care about the razor blades stuffed in between his mattress and box springs.No body looked at wrists that had lines and lines of thin scratches up to his elbows. In few words, Dan had given up. No one loved Dan for Dan. They loved him when he cracked jokes not when he bled and cried in his bedroom completely alone.And there was no answer because he is isolated.

When the time came for Dan to move into his new flat he packed what little he owned and began moving boxes to his new flat. However when he arrived at the flat he realized there was a bit to much room for one person. His parents would never waste money on space for him when money was tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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