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Lauren's POV:


This whole entire week has beyond stressful. I've had to basically rebuild Brad's entire operations. The way he ran things was so weird and messy it have been annoying.

What is the most annoying is that I can barely see nor can I talk to Y/N. I've noticed that she doesn't leave the mansion often. I'm afraid that she's gonna wanna leave Florida soon and go back to her original plan way before she met me. If she does decide to do that I won't stop her, I won't have any choice to support her. I'd be a terrible and toxic girlfriend if I just force her to stay. But I would miss her so much and I'd feel bad because that means that there would be no point in staying here if I'm at work all day everyday.

Thankfully I didn't have to work the whole time because Normani volunteered to take over the whole entire company for the rest of the day. I wasn't opposed to it because I already knew that Normani is responsible and she also takes care a lot of other for me too so, why not.

"Baaaabe!! I got to come home early! Where are you I need cuddles." I announced, walking into my house.

"She's not here. She went to a a party to go kill some people. If you wanna meet up with her she has her location on." Zendaya said walking up to me.

"Oh." I said sadly.

I know she's really good at her job but I still get worried if she'll ever get caught when she leaves the house.

"Nah. If she doesn't come back in two hours than I'll go but for now I'm gonna take a nap." I said throwing my bag on the counter in the kitchen and sluggishly walking upstairs.

Y/N's POV:

After hearing them arguing about whether if he got the right person or not I decided to fake wake up.

"Oh fuck. Where am I?" I asked before letting out a yawn.

"And why am I tied up?" I asked.

"Huh? The drug was supposed to last a whole lot longer." Chris said in confusion.

"Wait what?! You drugged me?!" I yelled, acting angry and surprised.

"Yes I did. You surely wouldn't come with me willingly so." He mumbled.

"Why the fuck am I here? Lemme guess you raped me too and now you're gonna sell me off the black market." I asked.

"No no no! I am not a rapist! I have better principles than that, thank you very much!" He defended.

"You shut up. But you. What is your name?" A girl said next to him.

She had a mask on but it was obvious she was white. She had light brown eyes. And it looked like she was limping. Due to the limp I'm guessing it was just a minor sprained ankle. I can use that as my advantage. And it looks and sounded like she was around my age.

"Gabriella Johnson." I answered her.

"You're lying!" The girl yelled.

"Why would I be lying in a situation like this?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You are extremely calm. As if you have nothing to be afraid of. Any other girl would be freaking out demanding to get out." She explained.

"Correction. Any white and/or girly girl would do that. I'm smart and I'll know when to start freaking out. And like I told you my name is Gabriella Johnson. I grew up in Chicago." I said to her.

"What is the hold up?! Did he get the girl or not?!" A more masculine voice said behind me.

"Well you tell me! You were there that night." The girl said backing away from me.

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