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1 month later

Y/N's POV:

"Wait what?" Lauren asked completely confused.

"What's so confusing? I'm taking you to Las Vegas. We're gonna stay there for four months." I said showing her the place we'll be staying when we get there.

"But... why? Are you ready to travel?" She asked, concerned.

"Lauren. I've been good for a month." I said giving her the most genuine smile I could.

But it wasn't genuine.

The nightmares haven't gotten worse but they haven't lightened up either.

I can't eat, everything that I used to think was delicious now seems disgusting. Even the smell of good food makes me nauseous.

But we're not going to get into that. I have a plan that know one knows about but before I can put it into action. I have to spend some time with Lauren first. There's somethings I've wanted to do with her for a while and hopefully I'll get them done during our trip.

"Yeah I know that. But there has to be something wrong. Even though I've been working a lot I haven't seen you eat, you refuse to lay in the same bed with me, I've looked at the security cameras and you've been going out a lot. I really trust you but I don't think you're telling me the full truth." She said crossing her arms.

"Ok I-" I started off but I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Someone's watching us...

I guess she caught on the my sudden uneasy mood because she swiftly grabbed one of the pistols we keep underneath our pillows.

I grabbed the other one and carefully walked to the front door I swiftly opened the door and a bunch of bodies came crashing down.

"Bruh. Seriously guys?" I asked as they all quickly stood up.

"How the fuck did you know we were there? We were dead silent." Dinah asked, looking slightly creeped out.

"I told you. Y/N is an assassin/serial killer. Probably the most skilled one to exist on the planet. Even Black Widow has nothing on her. She knows when she's being watched, tracked, or followed and those are just the basics." Zendaya said wrapping her arm around my shoulder, Trevor agreeing with her.

I looked at her up and down weirdly.

"Quit complementing me it feels weird." I said walking out of her grip

"How much did you hear?" Lauren asked, throwing the pistol on the bed.

"They just got there. They didn't hear much but you talking about what's been wrong with me for the last month." I said.

"See? She's freakishly smart." Trevor said.

"Alright. Now y'all know we were partially arguing. You can go now." I said getting annoyed.

I got up and shooed them all the way to the living room and ran back up to our room.

I walked into the room to see her in her phone and on the bed.

I quickly grabbed her phone from her hands. And she just gave me a glare.

"Ah ah ah. This conversation isn't over. Like I said. I'm fine and we're going on this trip you don't have much of a choice." I told her

She rolled her eyes, finally giving in.

"Fine. When are we going?" She said snatching her phone back and beginning to walk into our closet.

Damn now she has an attitude.

"Tomorrow. Why you mad? I thought you would hype." I asked grabbing her wrist, turning her around and wrapping her arms around my torso.

She looked up at me and glared but I just smiled big.

She truly did try her best not to smile back but it didn't work.

Trying to hide her smile she but her face into my chest but I still felt the smile.

"God! I can never stay mad at you it's frustrating sometimes." She mumbled and I just chuckled in response and wrapped my arms around her.

"So why are you, sorry. Why WERE you mad?" I asked with a smirk. 

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"Because you don't seem to be trying to get better nor trying to take care of yourself. I hate putting all my energy into you but you aren't helping me help you." She told me, looking into my eyes. I can tell she was searching for something that was most definitely there... but I'm way too good at hiding it.

I looked up and sighed with my eyes closed.

I didn't look up because I was annoyed or anything. I looked up because I felt my eyes becoming watery and I didn't want Lauren to see or else she'll know for sure there's something going on.

I can't believe I'm lying straight to her fucking face. I'm such a shitty girlfriend, hell I'm an all around shitty person. But I'll get what I need soon.

I'm praying that she didn't notice or else I'm screwed.

"Baby. I promise you with all of my heart. I'm ok. And I appreciate you for everything you've done for me and all the support you've given me. And I'm sorry I made you feel that way. But I truly am trying to get better. This trip will help a lot." I reassured her and looking her dead in the eyes.

Lauren has done so much for me. These past months she's done a lot. She's brought me food and sat down and ate with me everyday, three meals a day. She also hired a bunch of people to capture the ENTIRE Daniels family, tied them up and put them in a huge abandoned house. She said she knew how bad I was feeling lately and she thought torturing them would help me.

I was beyond thankful for what she did. I was planning on giving up on that mission but the fact she did that was so sweet.

Ironic thing is that I didn't even torture them. I didn't have the energy to do it any more. All I did was tell them what the two abusers did to me. My foster parents recorded the times they tortured me. Not every single one of them they only recorded twice so I showed their whole family the videos. Plus I showed them my diary and the video of me killing them.

They had cloths in their mouths the whole time so they didn't say anything, I just watched their facial expressions and listened to the noises they made.

Even after I showed them all of the evidence about a third of them didn't believe me and each time they got angry. The others were either in complete shock or were crying in disappointment.

But there was a good few of them who knew what was happening to me all those years ago and when I showed them the videos they just got annoyed or didn't have much of a reaction.

In the end I just blew the house up. All of them are dead now.

She's done a bunch of other stuff even like just simply taking me out on dates. I took her out on two which was the movies and to the beach.

She's amazing and the best person I could ever ask for. Me taking her on this trip is my way of thanking her for everything and to spend as much time with each other as possible.

"Ok mi amor... I'm praying that you'll feel a lot better after the trip. I hate seeing you so sad it breaks my heart." She said hugging me tighter.

"Don't worry my love. I'll be a lot better after the trip." I told her.

Little did she know I didn't mean it in the same way she thought I did.

(Like two or three more chapters left loves)

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