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Y/N's POV:

I went upstairs and began looking for an outfit. Trying to calm myself down.

I seriously can't believe she said that. I love Lauren, I really do but I'm not gonna automatically give people respect. I don't care who they are.

Her brother thought he was big and bad and decided to threaten me and act like he could beat my ass and I wasn't gonna let that stand. Whenever I meet new people they have to know I'm not one to be messed with.

I understand where she is coming from but she needs to understand where I'm coming from as well.

I understand where she is coming from but she needs to understand where I'm coming from as well

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(Your fit^)

Why am I wearing a Iced Out Spider-Man chains to Laser Tag? I have no idea. But Trevor went out and bought us matching Spider-Man chains when he got a big pay for a bounty. Sooooo, instead of spending it on things like Bills (Since all of them live here now), Food, a new haircut cause that shit has hella dandruff. He spent it on iced out Spider-Man chains but I'm not complaining. 

Once I put on my cologne and grabbed everyone else's chains. I ran downstairs to see my friends still on the couch, Lauren and her crew gone expect for Ariana. 

"Where did everyone else go?" I asked Ariana while handing each of my friends the chains. 

"They are in the planning room. About what? I'm not sure they were very vague but I'm waiting for my date." Ariana explained, tightening her sneakers. 

"When the hell do you wear sneakers? What happened to the boots?" I asked, extremely confused. 

"Well if you must know Y/N. We are only going to the movies and I don't wanna walk around in knee high boots. I like comfy clothes ya know." Ariana explained while rolling her eyes at my dramatics. 

I was going to question her some more but the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get that-" "Oh no you don't!" I said cutting her off and running to the front door. 

I opened the door and nearly gagged at the smell of Marijuana that struck my face. 

I started coughing because I couldn't take the smell. 

"Oh Y/N you're being dramatic he can't be that b-" Zendaya said, but the smell made her cough just as hard as I was. 

I looked over at Ariana and it looked like she was trying not to cough but didn't want to seem rude. 

Once we were done coughing and sucked up the urge. I looked over at the human cigarette. 

"So you pull up here, to pick up my little sister for a date and it smells and looks like you are freshly high out of your mind. I'm not judging cause I smoke a couple blunts a week, but don't you have an human decency? You're taking her on a date for god's sake." I said putting my arm around Ariana's shoulder. 

I know damn well she isn't my sister but she might as well be. Out of everyone in Lauren's crew I'm closest with Ariana and we have a type of sibling relationship. I don't care if we just met a couple months ago. I'm not gonna let some walking crack house take her out. 

"I'm sorry. I really am. I was having a smoke session with some of my friends and I lost track of time. I didn't want to cancel cause then I'd feel like shit but I thought maybe some cologne would cover it up and with some water I can come back down but It's not working that much." The guy explained. 

"Hm, what's your name?" I asked while eyeing him up and down, silently judging  him. 

"Uh- Pete! Pete Davidson." He answered, extending his hand for me to shake but I just looked at it. Making him feel uncomfortable and put his hand down in embarrassment. 

"Alright Pete. What are your intentions with my sister?" I asked, crossing my arms and knotting my eyebrows. 

"W-well. I just wanna make her happy and show her love. Ariana is extremely funny, beautiful, and overall a great person to be around. I just wanna try to give her the world and all of my love." Pete explained, fiddling with the bouquet of flowers he must've gotten for her. 

"Hmm. Ok then Davidson. Treat her right or else. I'll carve out each and everyone one of your individual tattoos. If I have to include skin then so be it. But I'll make sure to rip each of your fingernails and toenails, pluck every strand of hair you have on your head, then make you drink 2 gallons of liquid meth before hand." I threatened. 

He started laughing lightly and nervously but when he noticed how deadly serious I was he gulped and shook his head in understanding.

"Good. Now you two have fun and wear protection." I said patting Pete on the shoulder twice and giving Ariana a light kiss on top of her head. 

"Cmon y'all we out." I said dangling my car keys while walking to my car with my friends following close behind. 

I felt someone's eyes on me so I looked behind me to see Ariana glaring at me while Pete was blabbing about something to her. 

I blew her a playful kiss, she rolled her eyes then mouthed "Next time I see you, I'm going to kill you."

I made a sarcastic sad face, before realizing we were already at my car. 

All of us got in, immediately hearing Post Malone on the radio, and driving off to the place. 

(Just a filler cause I'm bored and my schedule is all over the place so idk when I'll  be able to update again.)

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