Chapter 1: Beginning Of Chaos

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I was tired. 6:30 A.M. is Denver's departure time. Not to mention the major time zone switch. Paris had put me in a jet lag trans and set my motor skills scattering. It was a lot cheaper to fly from Paris to Denver to Los Angles. I was nearly sleeping on the surprisingly comfortable airport chairs. Yeah, I know, nothing at the airport is comfortable. It must be the lack of rest talking.

The time now read 5:45. On the other hand, Jenn was wide awake. She had three cups of espresso before we left the hotel. I, running on no caffeine fuel, was left one-eyed gazing upon the blur of the waiting room.

Flight 32b. We waited there anxiously, longing for the arrival of our plane.

Jenn began to speak. "Honey," She patted my arm. Making no effort to acknowledge that I felt it, I kept my eyes closed.
"Honey, I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back. Watch my purse."
"Alright." I said forcing open both of my eyes. "Be quick. We don't have much time until this body shuts down. Then, you'll have to watch me, and make sure I don't get stolen." I said in a raspy voice.
"Oh please, Can, you look like a 25 year old preteen. Nobody's gonna wanna take you." She said with a kiss on the cheek.
"Whatever, I'm worth more than that purse. I know I'm beautiful."
"Well, beauty will not prevent identity theft and replace the tickets for that stupid plane. Just watch my purse. Thanks, love you." She said walking away.
"I love you too, Babe" I mumbled while sitting up in my chair. I turned to see her walking along the crowded hallway, leading to many other ports. Toronto, London, New York, and Las Vegas were the few I could make out. I grabbed Jenn's purse and set it on my lap. Sleepiness overtook my body and my vision faded to black.
I woke up to a loud boom coming from the south entrance. I saw people scrambling to get their belongings. I looked to my left and saw the passengers to flight 33b rushing to the the north entrance. Mothers running holding their kids hands. Men and women trampling over one an other. Piercing screams from teenage girls filled the room.

Quickly, I got to my senses and stood up on both feet. I couldn't see what was going on past the crowd of people. I jumped up onto a chair and looked for the south entrance. All I saw was smoke. A gray cloud covered my vision.
Where is she?
I grabbed her purse, which I'd dropped in the commotion, and took off for the bathroom. One problem arisen, the bathroom was south, the only notable place of destruction.

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