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The war.

The war had left a heavy weight on everyone, some more than others. It seemed to Hermione, everyone had gotten to their normal life's. Yes, everyone did take a bit of a downfall due to the war, but in time, everyone seemed better, brand new. Everyone except one.

Except Hermione.

Hermione watched as everyone rebounded from the war as new people, she wanted that. She longed to be brand new. Yet, she could not. After erasing her parents memories, Hermione promised herself she would get their memories back, instead, when she did attempt to get their memories back, she had found out they had died in a car accident.

Hermione being of age, took over their house. The second she walked into the house, she broke. She sobbed until it physically hurt. She kept everything the way it was. Walking into her room, she noticed everything was how she left it, untouched since that day. Going through her parents things had to be the hardest of things she could have ever done, she did it, reluctantly.

Hermione had looked down at her forearm every so often, remembering Bellatrix's breath on her face. The feeling of her cold fingers tracing her face, lingered in the back of her head. Hermione often lost sleep from nightmares. These nightmares consisted of Bellatrix, Hunting, obliviating. It hurt.

It hurt to remember.

Apparently, she had been always good at masking her emotions. If anyone knew she was not alright, they never showed. Hermione told no one of her struggles, she saw everyone was happy, she did not feel the need to be the one thing that brought everyone away from their well waited happiness.

Molly had insisted she stay at the burrow, but Hermione politely declined, stating she would be alright at her parents house. Hermione did not want to be around the Weasleys and Harry, they were too happy. She knew it was selfish, but sometimes, she wished she could get a glimpse of their happiness for herself. She also did not want anyone hearing her deafening screams, due to her nightmares.

Harry had barely noticed her saddened demeanor. He had asked about it once, she claimed she was fine, just a bit overwhelmed. Hermione had decided on not telling anyone about her parents quite yet. They knew she had Obliviated their memories, they just did not know about them no longer being here.

Mid July, Hermione received a Hogwarts letter. Much to her surprise, they were letting everyone who had not been able to finish their courses because of the war, attend again. Hermione had been reluctant about her decision of going. Ginny had owled her, begging her to come since Harry nor Ron would be attending because of Auror training.

Hermione would be stuck with Ginny.

Hermione did not necessarily dislike Ginny, she just found it hard for Ginny to not get on her nerves sometimes. Hermione loved Ginny like a little sister, she just felt the need to punch her face sometimes. Sisters.

Ron. After Ron and hers kiss in the Chamber Of Secrets, she had confessed she did not have feelings for him. That was a lie. Hermione did not see a future with him. She did want to try, she wanted to see where things would go with them, instead she decided to lie. Hermione felt she would be giving Ron a life, she knew he would not want. She knew he would not what to deal with her nightmares, or breakdowns. She felt he would feel obligated to stay with her, even if he did not what to. So, instead, she let him go.

Pondering her thoughts on Ginnys pleas being written on her letter, Hermione decided to start packing. Maybe, if she went back, she would get reassurance about everything being alright now. They won.

They won.

Then why did it not feel like it?


Draco had a hard time coping after the war. He felt guilty, every minute of every day. Every nightmare would bring him reminders of what he had done, of what he had chose. Yes, Draco did neglect his fathers, the Dark Lords as well as the rest of the Death-Eaters request to join them, but that did not mean he did not start with the wrong side.

Lucius had been sentenced to Azkaban for life, just like most of the Death-Eaters. Draco was rather lucky to only be on house arrest. His mother had as well, been on house arrest. After the war, Draco had begged his mother to move out of the manor. She immediately obliged. Once they had moved out, they found a nice cottage, for the two of them. It was rather homey.

The cottage had been an escape plan his mother had incase anything went wrong. Narcissa would often take Draco to the cottage when things with Lucius got hard. Every since he was a kid, he would convince his mother to take him to the cottage as a runaway, even for a few days. So, when his mother suggested the cottage, he was over the moon.

Much to Dracos bliss, his dark mark had faltered. Not gone, but faded. He would, every so often stare at it with disappointment, but he was glad it had faded as much as he assumed it would.

Narcissa had her sobs over Lucius being Azkaban, but she soon realized, with Dracos help, he was not worth the tears, he never was. Instead, Narcissa kept herself busy with gardening, reading, and other things that she had discovered muggles do. Narcissa had taken an interest in the way muggles seemed to do things. The cottage did not come with house elf's, so they would have to do most things, either by magic, or by hand. Either way, Narcissa was happy. She finally felt free.

So, when Draco had received his Hogwarts letter, with his mother's convincing, he started to pack. Draco had been reluctant about packing for Hogwarts, he did not want to leave his mother alone. But, Narcissa reassured her son she would be fine, he sighed and obliged.

Arriving at Kings Cross station, Draco was not satisfied with saying goodbye to his mother, but nonetheless, he did. Draco had found an empty compartment. He slid the door open slowly, reminiscing all the times he had opened a compartment door. He sat himself down. Gazing out the window as he heard the express start to move.

The compartment door slid open.

Blaise Zabini.

With a small smile, Blaise sat himself across from Draco. No words needed to be exchanged. Dracos stomach turned the minute he saw him, he assumed Blaise was there to taunt him. No, this was his way of saying they were alright.


"Alright dears, you look out for each other, be sure to write every week" Molly gushed as she gave the two girls a bone crushing hug along with a warm kiss to their foreheads.

"Alright mum, love you!" Ginny sighed as she lifted her trunk. Ginny turned her head to Hermione, she gave her a look that said she thought they should get going.

"Goodbye Miss Weasley, thank you for everything, we'll see you soon" Hermione gave Molly a fake smile before entering the Express with Ginny trailing.

"Goodbye!" Ron and Harry chorused in unison with a wave as the train began to move.

"This year is going to be different, a good different" Ginny confirmed as she took a seat across from Hermione.

"Yea, I hope so" Hermione agreed with a forced smile as she reached for her book from her bag.

Hopefully, Ginny was right.

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