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Happiness made Draco along with Hermione roll their eyes. Every since that day, the two had been sneaking glances from across the room. Draco had followed her whenever she went to the library, she did not no why, she did not ask. In the library, they shared opinions, told each other what the other had been doing wrong on any homework. Whenever they were not working, they were, once again, sneaking glances at one another.

The first day Draco had joined her to the library, she did not question it, instead, she patted the seat next to her. He graciously accepted it with a nod. They did this every day for one month.

Ginny had noticed her being less gloomy.

Hermione had oddly found herself going to the library more often. She reassured herself it was just for her study's.

Draco had as well found himself hoping their library visits together would happen more often than they did. He knew, this. Whatever this was, would not be ending anytime soon. Draco found Hermione's company to be quite delightful. He found she could challenge him like no one else could. When he had been wrong, she would not shove it in his face, instead, she would tell him how he could have been better.

For one whole month, they did this every day. They never talked outside the library, which was interesting to Draco. He had made up his mind about testing the waters of talking to Hermione outside the library. He spotted her quickly, the first one in the class. Draco rushed over, sat next to her before she could say or think anything. She glance up, then, she glanced back at her book.


"Malfoy" Hermione responded before turning the page. 

A long silence.

"Why are you so early?" Draco asked impatiently.

"So I can pick my seat, and so I'm not late" Hermione shrugged. She looked up at him suspiciously "why are you sitting next to me?" She asked.

"Why, I can't?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows tight before lifting them both up.

Draco was not sure wether Hermione had wanted to talk outside of the library, or, if she did not even give it a single thought. Either way, he was talking to her.

"I did not say that, I merely asking, because we have... never talked outside of the library" Hermione explained as she began to ring her hands in her lap.

Draco thought she looked nervous. But, he had not given her a reason to be nervous. He felt like an idiot, she had not wanted to talk to him outside of the library. Well, he tested the waters, he got splashed, really hard. Draco stood up.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked as she looked up at him in confusion.

"I'm sitting somewhere else. It's clear you don't want to talk outside of the library, I'll respect that" Draco motioned towards the library before grabbing his bag and books.

"Wait" Hermione closed her eyes, she took a deep breath before opening her beautiful eyes once again "I did not say that"

"So, you want to talk outside of the library?" Draco arched a brow at her statement.

Dracos eyes began to fill with hope. He knew he should not, but he could not help but want to talk to her more often. Draco found her voice calming, something he could listen to all day. Whenever she spoke in the library, he found himself clinging to her every word, even if it's about something he did not care for.

For all he knew, she could be thinking anything as he watched her chew her bottom lip. Draco had concluded she had a habit of chewing her lip when she was either thinking or nervous. By the look in her eyes, she was doing both.

"Yes, yes I do"

Dracos head snapped away from his satchel to her face once again. Trying to make sure what she had said been true. That she really did want to talk to him.

"Ok" Draco whispered before setting his things next to her.

The professor walked in. They worked on their assignment, they talked. They had small arguments about ingredients. All in all, Draco would consider them to be acquaintances. During their class, he noticed a few more things about her. She looked like she had gotten more sleep. More sleep than what he assumed she was having. He could not help but wonder if perhaps he had played a little part in her appearance becoming more her.

Draco shook his head at the thought. Yes, they may have been acquaintances for longer than either one would admit, but that did not conclude she looked more like herself thanks to the likes of Draco. No way.


"Ginny, I think me and Draco Malfoy are.... friends?" Hermione softly chuckled at the thought as she and Ginny stared at the fire place in peace.

Ginny raised her head form Hermione's shoulder. She looked at Hermione like she had three heads "what?" Ginny laughed.

"Yea, we've been going to library together for a month now, and today, he sat next to me. He asked me if I wanted to talk to him outside the library. I said yes" Hermione explained with a shrug.

"Well... let's see how that goes... "
Ginny replied with a roll of her eyes.


"Blaise, guess who I made friends with today?" Draco asked like a kid.

"Satan? Yes, we know Draco, everyone knows" Blaise mused at he looked up from his book.

"No, you git. Hermione Granger. We've been talking... a lot. And today, I think we became friends" Draco looked at the portraits in the common, deep in thought of a curly haired brunette.

Blaise simply shook his head knowingly "friends" He muttered.

"What?" Draco asked as he realized he missed what his friend had muttered.

"Oh nothing drakey, just be careful" Blaise mused before walking out of the common room.

"Careful?" Draco repeated in confusion. He shrugged before heading off to his dormitory for sleep.

They were acquaintances. If you pushed the matter, they were friends.


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