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Hermione had no clue as to why she had not seen the way her 'friends' were not truly her friends if they could not be able to make out her struggles. It made her grimace at how bad of friends she had. Of course, they had asked once or twice if she was alright, it was not sincere. She could tell they had only been asking to make them feel better, it was for their benefit, not hers.

But, she would not have any one. She may not really have them as friends, but at least they would protect her. Hermione had accepted the fact they would never show concern for her, she just silently wished they did. There was someone. Hermione was not sure who, but she knew someone noticed her struggles, her change. She just wish she knew who it was. She constantly felt their eyes on her. When she turned, she found no eyes.

Hermione had never felt the need to tell anyone of her struggles when they had began, it did not seem important. But now, she wanted someone to notice her. Then again, she did not want to be near anyone. This is why it is so important for Hermione to know who was always staring at her, they knew. They had to have noticed her, it made her angry with having a blind spot for who this was.

Hermione had been in Defense Against The Dark Arts class. A new professor has been announced to be teaching the class, Hermione really did like this one. Professor Bridergon, he had been on top of his information. Hermione had found herself correcting every teacher for this class at least once or twice. With this professor, she found herself not correcting one thing about him.

At it is, Professor Bridergon had as well taken a soft spot for the brunette. He would challenge her in class by surprise by often, which, Hermione had easily taken.

Now, she found herself waiting as he called out their partners, to start their assignment.

"Ms Granger, partnered with... ah yes, Mr Malfoy...."

Hermione's eyes widened with horror. She turned her head slightly to see Draco, staring at the professor, he looked unfazed. Hermione rolled her eyes at him hiding his emotions. To her, it looked like he never cared about anything, it annoyed her. When she realized he was not going to move, she grabbed her things and dropped them right next to him before taking a seat. Her looked at her, something in his eyes was different. She ignored his stare, instead she began to grab her quill and parchment, ready for notes.

"Now, today, you all will be practicing the hex, Colloshoo. Repeat after me, coll-oh-shoo!" Everyone tested the word on their tongues as the professor gave an impresses look "now, can anyone tell me, what does the hex, Colloshoo, do?"

Hermione's hand shot up the second he finished his question. Waving his hand towards her, she began "Colloshoo is also known as Stuckfast hex. When used, it is intended to make the targets shoe stick to the ground" Hermione answered proudly.

"good ten points to Gryffindor! now, with your partner, you shall be practicing the hex on each other, you may begin" With a flick of his wrist, all the tables were against the wall along with chairs.

"Uh, alright, you can do it to me first" Hermione announced before she stepped back, expecting the hex.

Draco cleared his throat heavily before stepping back and yelling out "Colloshoo!" He hesitated before looking at her shoes expectingly.

Hermione moved her foot, she stopped when she realized could not move.

They did this hex to each other back and forth until they got bored. If Hermione was not named the Brightest Witch Of Her Age, she was sure Draco would have been given the title. All in all, Draco was pretty much the brightest wizard of his age, while Hermione was the brightest witch of her age. It made sense.

After class, Hermione decided to skip lunch. She was convinced no one had noticed. Someone had. Hermione had not seen nor felt the single tear that had fallen freely from her face as she walked to the courtyard. They were promised rain, she wanted rain. She expected rain. The only thing she heard while walking was the soft sound of her shoes along with the rain beginning to pour loudly.

Feeling the waves of misery wash away as she stood in the rain, felt satisfying. Like all of her worry's disappeared with each drop of rain hitting the floor harshly. Hermione had always hated the rain, it made her feel sad. Ever since she was a little girl, she thought rain was the sky crying. Of course she knew that was not true, it just felt like it. After the war, she thought of rain as peaceful, a way to wash away the pain.

So, every single time it rained. She would walk out almost glowing. Just to stand in the rain to wash away the pain. To wash away the memories.

It hurt to remember.


He watched. He watch as she spread her arms wide while she tipped her head back slightly to look at the sky. She seemed peaceful, like she had no troubles. But that was not the case. She was just forgetting, she did not want to remember.

It hurt to remember.

He assumed this was her way to be at peace. To forget. He longed for that. He wished he could have just one day, a day to forget. To forget all his regrets, his grief, his memories. But he did not, he was still waiting for the day he would have his day to have his thing to help him be at peace.

For some odd reason, Draco could not stop his feet from moving forward, towards her. He did not no why, but he wanted to share this moment with her. He wanted to feel peaceful, even if it's with her.

"I don't care" Hermione whispered loudly as she kept her gaze on the sky with an at peace look.

"What do you not care for?" Draco asked curiously with his face copying hers as he began to stare at the sky.

"For your insults, I don't need them now, please" Hermione pleaded, she looked at him with saddened eyes.

She was lost.

Like him.

"I don't care for any insults as well" Draco slightly shrugged before returning his gaze back at the water falling to his feet.

Hermione did not respond. She was taken back. He had not taunted her. He had not insulted her. She then realized, he was lost. Like her. She looked back at the sky, feeling a sudden new type peace.

With him.

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