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Did Hermione like to get drunk? No. Did she like it when anyone got drunk? No. In fact she hated it.

Draco, Blaise and Theo had been drunk, a little too drunk. Hermione had been walking towards the apparation point with the three boys swinging their arms over her shoulders. They had been flirting with her with smug expressions. Hermione had been quite annoyed with their attempts to woo her.

Hermione had not dealt with many drunk people. Her father had gotten drunk in front of her quite a few times, none of which he was proud of. Hermione had helped her mother often with her fathers issue with drinking. She hated it. Hermione hated the experience of coming back from Hogwarts and seeing her mother exhausted from dealing with her drunk father.

After a while, her father had finally gotten help. He went to a doctor. They helped him, he had finally gotten help.

Now, Hermione felt the feelings of those nights helping her mother with her father coming back again.

"Hermione, your hair... it's beautiful" Theo slurred as he grabbed a curl and began to twirl it around his finger.

"Shut up Theodore Nott! It's her eyes. Hermione, where are we going - " Draco asked but got cut off by them apparating.

Hermione grabbed them by their collars and began to drag them into her flat. Once inside, she kicked the door shut. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured her sofa to be one big bed. Big enough for the three wizards to fit in. Hermione turned her head to see the three boys on the floor, barely awake.

With her wand, she pulled over the covers. Hermione started to, one by one, levitating them into the bed. Once they were all lay down, fast asleep, Hermione ran upstairs and immediately fell asleep, not bothering to change.

Hermione felt herself not just become closer with Draco, but with Blaise and Theo. The two boys had started to come buy Dracos office. Hermione usually found herself being called into Dracos office because had had been bored and just wanted to talk with her. The more Blaise and Theo popped by, the more Hermione got to know them.

Blaise and Theo stuck together always.

The two boys started their own shop, a shop for quidditch. Sometimes, Draco would drag Hermione to the shop just for fun. The second the two boys gotten out of Hogwarts, they already started to get things ready. Hermione had not been there for the grand opening, but Draco had. He had seen the long line just to get inside the shop. When Hermione had been told about the opening, she supposed the long line was due to the two boys looks, that or the fact Draco Malfoy had been there. Draco laughed at her assumption, mostly because he could not argue with it.


Draco was the first one to wake up that morning. He instantly groaned at his headache, it felt like someone was rummaging through his brain. He looked around to see he was laying with Theo and Blaise. Draco practically jumped out of the bed. His eyes went to the counter to see three vials and a note.

Hangover potion.

Hope you all slept well


Draco rolled his eyes, he could sense the mockery through the piece of paper. The blond downed the potion before checking his silver watch. Cursing silently, Draco realized he need to be at work, so did Hermione. Draco found himself going to find her, to wake her up for work.

When he went into her room his eyes widened. She looked so peaceful. Curled up, Hermiones head was as in her hands with her knees up her abdomen. He thought she looked so innocent, so pure, like nothing bad should ever happen to her. Draco noticed the owl tapping at her window, she began to stir. Draco quickly hid behind the door way when she rose from her bed. She quickly made her way to the owl, gave it a few strokes and took the letter. Hermione gave the owl a treat by her window before the fury animal flew off.

Hermione paced at she read the letter, one of her habits. She rubbed her hand over her face, another one of her habits. Hermione's eyes widened before jumping up and down in excitement whispering the word 'yes!'. Draco noted the tears of happiness in her eyes as she continued to silently celebrate.

Draco knocked softly, seeing as he did not want to continue to feel like a stalker. Hermione's head snapped to the door, she quickly hid the letter behind her back, much to Dracos suspicion.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" Hermione practically bounced around the room to her closet with excitement glowing around her.

"What are you so happy about?" Draco asked as he was curious to know if she would share the news to him at all.

"Oh you know, just this!" Hermione squealed before handing him the letter had he had seen her previously gawk at.

Dear Miss Granger

Due to your excellent work at the ministry, we are pleased to inform you about blissful news. You shall be given a new assistant along with your new office, you may be the head of your department, but  as we both know, you deserve much more for your hard work.

Luke durfey will no longer be your assistant due to complaints on his behavior. We are dearly sorry this was not taken care of before.

Congratulations. When at the ministry, please come see me.

Hope your well,


Draco frowned as he read the letter. She would be moved away from his office.

Draco had grown quite used to Hermione and him only being a couple feet away. Now, she would be moved away from him. He was happy for her, just not for her changes. It was a ridiculous thing to be upset about, he knew that. He just felt the only thing keeping them friends was always working together. At least her assistant would not be Luke anymore.

Draco looked up to her dressed. His breath got caught in his throat for a moment at the sight of her. Hermione wore a black pencil skirt that fell just before her knees along with a light peachy colored long sleeved loose blouse. For her shoes she had high black heels. She looked professional.

"Isn't this exciting! I know it's quite rude to be happy your assistant is gone but let's be honest, he was bloody awful. And I can't wait to see the new people I'll be working around with in my new office. And - "

"Draco? Are you listening? What's wrong?" Hermione frowned as she started to wave her hand in his face aggressively before snapping her fingers in front of him.

"What?" Draco gave a confused look "Yea, this is awesome! I'll help you move your stuff when we get to work. We actually need to go now" Draco checked his watch before lightly grabbing his wrist and taking her to the fireplace.

"But your clothes - "

"I have an extra suit at the office, I always do" Draco smirked before grabbing the floo powder.

This was going to be an interesting day.

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