•Ch. 1•

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Iana laid on the ground, panting, hungry and sad. It was 2 days ever since she was chased out of the orphanage she was living in. She heard footsteps as she tried to stand up. "...." The person tries to help her. "Are you okay?" A feminine voice says. "..." Iana didn't answer but she shook her head no. She looked up to see a very familiar face. "Gin?" She asks. Gin's eyes widen remembering her childhood friend. "I-Iana?" Gin stutters trying to fight the urge to cry. She [Gin] hugs her not letting go. "Iana! I never thought I'll see you! What happened? Who did this?" She bombards questions regarding on how,why she was kicked out and who kicked her out. "I was kicked out 2 days ago from the orphanage. I don't know why though." She [Iana] says tears forming unto her eyes. Gin helped her stand up, so she can be comfortable. "I have no place to go now, you should probably go, Gin. You don't wanna worry Aku-chan right?" She says, smiling. Yes, she knows Akutagawa. The boy she thought She'll never see again. The boy being childhood friends with her. Gin slightly smiled and said, "Its fine Iana. We can go to the mafia hideout, also, you can go join the mafia" Iana's eyes widen and she was shocked. "The mafia? You work there?" She says not believing what she heard. "Mhm.. Ryu too, works there." Gin says, looking down unto the ground. "Then I'll go with you." Iana says not hesitating. Gin stood there, silent. "Are you sure? It might be a little dangerous for you" "Of course I'll join! I'll go with You, Gin-Chan!" Iana replies, happily stating facts. Gin smiled as she started walking.

"Well then. Let's go?"

TBC! Hope you like it
Number of words: 308

" Sweet talker " - Akutagawa Ryunosuke x OCWhere stories live. Discover now