•Ch. 2•

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As the two walked down unto the hideout, Iana silently thought about the past few times of her being in the orphanage. She shooked her head, just so she can get rid of the thoughts that bothered her. She sighs, thinking about how she was tortured. Gin and her finally reached the hideout, only as both of them opens the door, they were met by Akutagawa sitting down on his chair. He looked up as he heard the door swung open to reveal Gin and, of course, Iana. "What?" He says in a cold tone, maintaining his posture. "I found her. Our childhood friend, Iana." Gin replies. Akutagawa's eyes widen hearing her name. He stood up to face both of them. "I-Iana?" He stutters, not believing his sister found her. "Aku-Chan? Is that you?" Iana asks slightly moving forward to meet him. Once again. Akutagawa was stunned to see the girl he made friends with in tattered clothes, hungry, sad and upset. It was such a depressing sight to look at for every time Iana and him talk before, she will always be smiling and positive. And now here she was, upset. "I came here with Gin. She found me outside. I was chased out by the orphanage I lived in, although I don't know why." She says. He stood silent. "No one will chase you out if you have an ability that's too powerful to the point you can destroy things." He says, her eyes widening. "But I don't have an ability! At least I don't know.." She says, her voice trailing off the last part. Akutagawa sighs. "You can come join the mafia, and we'll see if you really do have an ability. And you can have Gin to help you with handling guns and knives. She's pretty good with it." He walks to his desk and grabs some guns. "Here." He says, handing it to her. Gin comes up with something. "Being Mafia is too dangerous for her. She can become a secretary, but for her knowledge of guns and knives we can use her as a decoy somehow." Gin trails off, the thought of her friend being mafia bothering her.
"..." Akutagawa remained silent. "Its up to her. Iana, what do you want? Become a mafia or a secretary of mines?" Akutagawa questions her. "I'll become a secretary, but It'll be good if I can join you sometimes in missions." She says, looking at Gin and smiling at her.

"It's set then. You'll become my secretary."

TBC! Hope you like it

Number of words: 430

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