•Ch. 13•

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Akutagawa felt all kinds of emotions. He was upset Iana got injured. He was angered by the fact Kirishima just shot his beloved love of his life. It was pain he didn't thought about. He dropped Kirishima unto the ground, kirishima panting. Akutagawa walked over to his place, grabbing the collar of his [Kirishima] shirt. "Tell me, why did you hurt her? Why?" He asked, angry. "I..wanna have..her ability...." He says. "And why is that? To become powerful? Enough with you bullshit. Put this shit inside your head: She'll never hand over her ability. Say goodbye to you fantasies." Akutagawa says grabbing a gun and shooting him 3 times.

-smol timsekip-

*3rd persons view*
Akutagawa rushed over Iana's side.
His eyes teared up a bit, seeing her state. He carried her in bridal style, kissing her forehead. The mafias went back to their building.


(Still in 3rd persons view)

Akutagawa rushed to the infirmary, getting help. They quickly commenced a surgery (not really), just to get the bullet out.

Akutagawa went out to where the others were. He sat beside Gin, deep in thoughts. "..thinking about her?" Gin asks. Akutagawa blushed a bit. "N-no-" he stops, thinking. "Nevermind. Yeah I am." He says. Gin slightly smiled at him. "You should probably confess. Iana already mentioned she has feelings for you. It will be nice if you tell her you love her when she wakes up" She replies, her smile widening. Chuuya happened to pass by, over hearing the conversation. He stopped walking, and quickly whispered, "Goodluck" while smiling. Akutagawa blushed, rolling his eyes, giving a slight smile.

Akutagawa went in the infirmary. He wanted to visit her, missing her presence around him. He entered, only to be greeted by a staring Iana. She had the happiest smile after seeing her beloved. "Hey" she says nonchalantly. Akutagawa gave her a smile and replied with a simple hey. He walked up to her giving her a rose. He blushed, while handing it. "It's for....you" He says looking elsewhere to avoid her gaze. Iana's eyes widen and her eyes become a bit teary. "..Thank you Akutagawa! They're really pretty" she says, tearing up. Akutagawa chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. "You know, I heard what you said to Kirishima. You said that you love me..." He says, his voice trailing off the last part. Iana blushed a dark crimson red. "Y-You heard that?" She stuttered, staying red. Akutagawa hummed as if sating yes. "I'll have to let you know that..."

"I love you too"

TBC! Hope you like it

Number of words: 440

" Sweet talker " - Akutagawa Ryunosuke x OCWhere stories live. Discover now