Chapter 10

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-February 2019-

-This chapter happens a while after Olivia rejects going to  In-N-Out with the cast.-

Warning: It gets a little spicy at the end.... not too much, but they're teenagers. Oh well!

Olivia's POV:

"Wait, does this mean that you're going to be here for my birthday?" I ask turning towards him in the car.

"Of course. That's why I came here." He answered.

"When are you leaving? Because we have to make the most time out of this."

"I'm only staying two weeks after your birthday." 

"Okay, so lets start planning." I said. 14 days can't replace the amount of time we've been apart, but at least its something. 

"Yeah, but first I have to look for a hotel, because I didn't exactly plan all this." He chuckles.

"No, I'll tell my mom. You can stay at mines." I respond with a smile.

"Will she say yes?"

"Yeah, my mom's known you for like, 3 years. She trusts us."

"Wait, what does that mean?" He asked looking at me with a knowing smile.

"Nothing, I just meant- like, you know-" I blushed.

"Yeah, okay." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Eyes on the road! I don't feel like dying today." I said changing the subject.

"If your mom is fine with it, then of course." He said kissing the back of my hand.

"I'll call her then." I say excited. "Hi mom, Ethan came to vis- What? You knew?! And you didn't tell me?!" I turn to look at Ethan shocked. He  chuckled. "Can he stay at ours?" I ask. My mom was silent. 

"But we only have two rooms." She answered. My hopes going down.

"I know, but pleeeeease." I ask once again. There was silence.

"Alright, we'll sort things out when you guys get here." She answered. I jumped out of excitement, scaring Ethan.

"Okay, bye. Love you!" I respond hang in up. "She said yes!" I squeal, clasping his bicep due to the excitement. 

"Liv, you're the one that doesn't want to die here, let me drive!" He said pulling away from me. I laugh.


Can he sleep in my room?

Olivia's Mom:

I'm even more excited. 

"Let's go to the mall. I'll buy you something. Take it as an early birthday present." He suggests, squeezing my thigh. 

"Yay." I squeak.

"Gosh, 'Livia! You're going to make my eardrums bleed!" He says laughing, I laugh with him.

- · · · -

It's nighttime, we just got out of the mall. Ethan bought me the cutest outfit for my birthday.

"Thanks babe, I really don't know what I would've done if you weren't here." I say pecking him. 

"You're welcome." He says helping me with the bags. "Let's get going, I'm really tired. Unless you want to do something else."

"No, let's go and rest." I agree noticing his exhaustion. 

We listened to Taylor Swift on the way home, telling Ethan which way to go.

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