Chapter 42

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-July 2019-

Olivia's POV:

"I don't not love you too." Josh said as Ricky. We were both super tired. We all went to sleep at 3 AM because we explained to the cast how Josh and I became a couple and played some games after that. It's been a stressful week for the show. We have a lot of lines to memorize, and right now I forgot mine.

"Sorry, I forgot my line. Can I see the script again?" I asked the director.

"2 minutes. We're running behind." She told me. I nodded and walked to the corner of the set to read my script.

"You tired?" Josh walked up to me, taking the time to read his own script as well.

"Yes, a lot. I'm just waiting for this to be over so I can get a nap." I yawned.

"But we still have to give all we've got, right? It's a very emotional scene." He hugged me. It was warm and sweet.

"Yeah." I hugged him back.

"Eat this." He smiled, offering me a packet of oatmeal cookies.

"You carry those all the time now, don't you?" I laughed, taking them from his hand.

"Pretty much. They always get your mood up, and I love to see you happy." He kissed me.

"Alright guys, back to your places!" The director demanded. It's been 2 minutes already? "Okay, from the top. Action!"

"Umm, great job tonight Ricky." I said, grabbing my things and walking out.

"Nini wait!" He sounded desperate. "I don't not love you too." He confessed.

"Ricky, I-"

"Let me get my feelings off my chest first." He interrupted me. I nodded and let him go on. "That night in your room I meant to tell you, and I regret that moment everyday of my life, but I do. I love you. I've loved you since 7th grade, when I made you ride in the front row of demons destiny at six flags, and you told me you sometimes get a little bit seasick on roller coasters and I said, 'come on, live a little'.

"I remember." I smiled.

"Yeah, and then I puked all over your shoes and you didn't even make me feel bad about it. No, you just said, um-"

"No worries, I've been wanting to get rid of these shoes for a while." I beamed. Right there it was Todd's cue to walk in.

"Yeah-" Josh said as Ricky.

"Hey Ricky, could I talk to you for a second?" Todd interrupted us.

"Right now?" He asked a little annoyed. He glanced at me before going out to the hall to chat.

Josh's POV:

"Hey, bud. You did amazing!" He congratulated me.

"Thank you." I answered, dryly.

"I know we didn't exactly start on the right foot." He sighed. "I'm sorry for showing up so unexpectedly. Your mom thought it would be better for you not to know."

"She was wrong." I mumbled. "It's fine. Really. I understand, people move on, they don't always work out. I hope you make my mom happy."

"Thank you, but I came to talk about you, not Lynne." He chuckled. "Are we good?" He asked.

"Yes, you aren't as bad as I thought." I chuckled.

"Great." He smiled before his phone rang. "Sorry, I'm going to have to cut it short my manager needs me, but it was nice talking to you, Ricky." He smiled, walking away. I nod before walking back to Olivia.

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