Chapter 34

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-July 2019-
-Right after last chapter-

Josh's POV:

"OH MY-  WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" Sofia asked me. Their reactions to my hair was priceless.

"Liv wanted to try something new." I rolled my eyes.

"You look like a messed up version of Justin Timberlake." Julia covered her mouth.

"Liv, why would you do that?" Matt laughed.

"I felt like it." She shrugged, looking at my hair, laughing.

"Hahahahhahaha. I'm sorry- I can't." Larry said, trying to control his laugh.

"Ooh, I wonder what you would look like with a pony tail." Frankie said, coming up to me. 

"Frankie, don't!-" I stopped, when he pulled my hair up.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!? JOSH HAS A HICKEY!" He yelled. Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

"Bro, for real?" Matt said, as everyone crowded me.

"Guys, guys, GUYS. It's not a hickey." I lied.

"Then what is it?" Sofia asked me, giving me a 'you're a real dumbo'  stare.

"It's- Liv burned me with the straightening iron." I made up.

"Hmm, and Liv burned herself with it too?" Frankie lifted one eyebrow, moving Liv's hair out of her neck. "Twice?" He mentioned. Oh my gosh. I- How is her skin so sensible? I barely even sucked on it! I think... Ugh, I got too carried away.

"I did?" She asked, using the camera on her phone to look at her neck. "OH MY GOSH. JOSH YOU- I mean... Oops, I guess I did burn myself." She stopped, but it was too late.

"Oh my gosh." Frankie whispered. "JOLIVIA FOREVER!" He jumped on the couch. "I CALLED IT. I. CALLED. IT."

"So you guys were making out in the car." Dara laughed.

"Why didn't you put makeup on it?" Julia asked.

"I don't know." I blushed, looking at Liv's neck.

"Can you guys kiss?" Frankie asked us. This is exactly what Liv didn't want.

"No." I sat on the couch.

"What??! But you've already put marks on each other." Julia added. How do I stop this?

"Yeah, but no. We won't do that." I declared, discreetly going as far away from Liv as I could.

"I'm so confused on you guy's status." Frankie noted. He's not the only one.

"We should play Uno or something." Liv changed the subject.

"Yeah."Dara agreed quietly. Liv and I sat on opposite sides of the couch. I need to do something about this. 

Olivia's POV:

The first round was quiet, but we got over what happened quickly. In this round of spicy uno, the winner gets to buy whatever they want from the mall, and the rest have to pay it. Oh, I'm definitely winning this thing. Josh's hair is changing into his original curls. It hasn't even been an hour and his hair is already curly again!

"Uno." Josh smiled.  What? how did he get rid of his cards so quickly?! I waited for the rest to play, then I told Matt to play a yellow card. Luckily, he did have one, I then placed a +2 yellow card, grinning at Josh, who was next.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you really think it would be easy for you to win?" I pouted at him. He gave me the rudest look ever.

"And I thought we were friends." He gaped, competitively.

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