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Do you ever feel like everything you do matters? Like every single action you do, there is always someone who watches you. Like they're waiting for you to mess up.

They say your teen years are for making friends and having fun.

Which made me feel the worst.

Well, I feel bad for myself mostly. My brother doesn't seem to be doing bad. In fact, he seems to be doing so well.

He's my fraternal twin, and although we still have a few features that make some people believe we're identical, we're completely different. Polar opposites.

People are constantly trying to be my "friend" and "get to know me" or to get close to me. People would go out of their way just to get me to their side. I know you think that I should be happy and grateful that I've got so many people that want me by their side because not all of us got to have that "privilege".

But the thing is, I'm not.

I'm not happy about it and I will never be grateful for it because I know the hidden agenda. And a dickhead had confirmed it to me when he flat-out told me nonchalantly. As if that's supposed to be a normal thing for me.

Newsflash: It isn't.

Meanwhile, Jacob, or Jake as he prefers to be called, is more "normal" than me. No, I don't mean it like I'm abnormal or something, what I mean is he doesn't seem to be experiencing the same thing I do. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother and I don't hold any I'll feelings towards him. I just wish I could be more like him.

People seem to ignore him. They wouldn't bother him or anything because it's always me. He seems to be at peace while I'm here, having to endure every gaze thrown towards me.

Let's face it, having a lot of  "admirers" isn't always good. Because unfortunately, with all the positive attention you get, there will always be a negative one behind.

So there will always be someone who's watching your every step, waiting for you to mess up so they could throw judgements at you immediately. Like I'm not allowed to make a mistake.

Like I'm not allowed to be a human.

Jake seems to get that kind of normalcy. He would mess up and no one would care. No one would be watching him. He would make one wrong move and a little to none would take notice. No one would be waiting.

That is probably why I chose to stick with him. Because I'm allowed to be a human around him. That and I love my brother so much and he's my preferred company more than others.

Also, I never want to leave out my brother on anything. We're twins, we're supposed to be together in everything. Except of course if he's taking a dump or anything that needs privacy. I never let him feel that he's living in my shadow because, frankly, there shouldn't be any "shadow" in the first place.

We're the power duo. Fred & George. Wanda & Pietro.

We're inseparable.

Where there is Jake, there is me. Where there is me, there is Jake. We know everything about each other. He tells me everything including his deepest secrets and I tell him everything of mine too.

Yet, maybe I don't.

There's just this one secret I can't tell Jake, at least not yet. Grandpa Abe made me promise not to tell anyone about it, even Jake. Of course, I wasn't happy about it at first but he told me that there would be a right time where I could tell Jake about this secret. At this point, I don't even know when "the right time" is, I've been keeping it for 9 years already and it would be a full decade in a couple of weeks should our birthday arrive and I still can't tell him.

This secret is also one of the reasons why I don't like the attention thrown at my feet. People could get "obsessive" sometimes and it could really be a nuisance especially if you could turn into a bird and do things with time and you don't want anyone to know.

Grandpa told me that I'm a "Peculiar" called "Ymbryne", though, he also told me that there's not one known male Ymbryne and I might as well be it's first. Grandpa told me that I'm special because I am a Peculiar and I'm even more special to be the first male Ymbryne. He also told me that the things I could do with time are nothing he has ever seen— and he doubts that other ymbrynes could except me —and that alone had placed me into the world of danger.

He told me that there are evil people out there— evil Peculiars —that would want to use me for their greed once they've learned what I was capable of and that's why he told me that I should be extremely careful.

Grandpa Abe didn't really leave Jake completely in the dark, he told us about the home for special children— children like me —that he lived in back when he was young. He told us about the children there and their headmistress. I never stopped believing in them, seeing as I'm a Peculiar too, but sadly, Jake stopped believing them when he was ten. It was when those stories became one of the secrets I had to hide from Jake.

I never thought that Jake would know, really, I never would've thought something would happen.

Not until that day.

I honestly thought our lives would always be like this. Yet I was proven wrong.

Because that day, everything changed.



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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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