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Two weeks after their honeymoon, Bianca woke up feeling even more exhausted than when she went to sleep. She turned over onto her other side and tried to go back to sleep, but was unable to.

Groggily she pulled herself out of bed and stumbled to her bathroom. It was two weeks into March, and the weather was warming while still being chilly, so she pulled on a sage green t-shirt and jeans. Pain rippled over her head and she rubbed her temples to try to ease the headache.

She heard sound from back in the  bedroom of her husband rousing and getting up. She walked quietly back into the room as Draco stretched his arms over his head.

"I'm tired today." Bianca complained as she sat down next to him on their bed. Draco wrapped his muscular around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

"You can't be tired, you just woke up love." He joked lightly. Bianca scowled and punched his arm.

"Shut up. I can be tired if I want to be." She scoffed. He knit his eyebrows together in confusion but quickly dismissed the action. She sighed deeply and swayed where she was sitting.

"You okay, love? You look kinda sweaty." Draco said touching Bianca's forehead lightly. She pushed away his hand and left the room.

He frowned as he watched her leave. It wasn't like her to be like this. He tried to remember when her tiredness and moodiness had started, and realized it started just after getting back from the cottage. Draco's eyes widened as it dawned on him.

"I'm off to work love." He kissed Bianca's cheek and grabbed his briefcase. She smiled tiredly at him from her stool in the kitchen.

"Have a good day." She said lazily, pushing her eggs around on her plate with her fork.

"Maybe hang out with your friends or something. You haven't really had human interaction for a while." He joked. Bianca shot him a harsh glare and he walked out of the kitchen.

A house elf bounced past her holding a plate of apple slices covered in cinnamon and caramel sauce, one of Bianca's favorite snacks, and as soon as she had caught the slightest sniff of it her stomach churned uncomfortably. She gagged slightly.

"What the hell?" She whispered to herself before having to sprint to nearest bathroom, which luckily was right next to the kitchen. She knelt over the toilet and emptied the contents of her stomach. She leaned back on her heals and wiped her mouth.

Bianca immediately felt exhausted again and staggered back to her room to go back to sleep. She was awoken a few hours later by Mina shaking her shoulder.

"B. B. Wake up Bianca. This is an emergency. Bianca Elizabeth Malfoy you wake up right now!" She yelled.

"Oh my god, Mina. What's wrong?" She said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I think I might be pregnant. But I'm scared to take the test by myself, so can you take it with me?" She rushed her words sot they jumbled together slightly.

"Woah. Slow down. Let's get this straight. You think you're pregnant. You're scared to take the test by yourself, so you want to do it with me." She said slowly as Mina nodded.

"Yes exactly. Let's go." She grabbed Bianca's hand and handed her a pregnancy test box, and pushed her towards the bathroom.

After both their tests were ready to wait, the spread out on the carpet in the bedroom.

"Hmm. What about Cecilia?" Mina asked as she thought about baby names. Bianca considered it for her friend.

"I like that. What about Gabriel for a boy?" She suggested. A timer dinged from in the bathroom signaling the tests were ready. Bianca started to get up but Mina was frozen in place.

"What's wrong M?" Bianca asked. Her friend's eyes were wide with worry and her eyebrow's were knit together in worry.

"What if it is positive? What if I do have a human in me? What if I am as terrible a mother as mine? What if I severely mess up my child's life?" She rambled.

"Hey. Hey, calm down. You might not be pregnant, so don't worry. And if you are, then that little kid is going to be so lucky to have such an awesome mom." Bianca reassured her. Mina nodded and went with her friend into the bathroom.

"Let's do it on three." Mina suggested. Bianca un-worriedly nodded.

"One. Two. Three." They both flipped over the sticks to look at their results. Mina let out a sigh of relief.

"It's negative." She said relieved. She looked over at her friend only to notice her friend's look of shock that was plastered on her face.

'Bianca, what is it?" She said slowly. Bianca looked up at her confused.

"Uh. It's, um, positive." She choked out. Mina shrieked excitedly.

"What? Oh my gosh, Bianca! Congratulation!" She hugged her friend. Bianca grabbed the box from the counter and checked everything again. It was most certainly positive.

Putting down the test, she looked at herself in the mirror. She gently placed her hands on her lower abdomen, and imagined a baby there. Mina looked over her happily as Bianca tried to wrap her head around it.

"Mina, I'm not even twenty! What will my mom say? Or Draco? I'm not ready for this at all!" She cried, tears springing to her eyes, threatening to spill over. She buried her head in her hands and groaned. Mina rubbed her back in small circles in an attempt to calm her.

"It's gonna be okay. Draco will be happy, and so will Marie. And I don't think anyone is ever ready." Mina said. Bianca sniffed and nodded.

"Thank you Mina." She hugged her best friend tightly, and cried into her shoulder a little more.


"Bianca? Love, I'm home. And I have something for you." Draco called out as he walked through the door. Bianca hurried out of the parlor and into her husband's arms.

"I have something for you too. You go first though." She bit her lip in excitement. Draco laughed.

"No you go first. Or we could go at the same time?" He suggested. Bianca gripped the pregnancy test behind her back, and behind Draco's back he held an unused box of pregnancy tests.

"Okay." She smiled. "One. two. Three."

"Where should we put the nursery?"

"Can you take one of these for me?"

They said this at the same time while holding out both of the pregnancy tests. Draco looked at her in utter shock.

"Wait what?" He said confused.

"Where should we put the nursery?" She handed him the test and he looked at it closely. He looked back up at her, then down again. As it slowly dawned on him a big grin broke out on his face.

"You're-" He stammered.

"Yes!" Bianca squealed and leapt into his arms. Draco spun her around hugging her tightly. He kissed her head softly and put her gently back down on the floor.

"I'm going to be a dad?" He whispered.

"In about nine months!" Bianca laughed hugging him again.

"What do you think of the name Scorpius?" And with that he kissed her deeply and lovingly. Only married a month, and already expecting their first child.


NOooooo! My book is finished. What did you guys think of it? I promise that in a few days I'll start my next book which will probably also be short. It'll be following Bianca's pregnancy. So, I hope everyone has an awesome day/evening, and I love you all!


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