2-No Regrets

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I pressed my foot harder on the accelerator and gunned it. No way was I missing the green light. The car rumbled, the sound coming from below where the battery was stored. And it was a big battery, since gas-emission cars had been illegal for the past two hundred and fifty years when the ozone layer faded away. At least that's what the history books said. The fact that it was making that noise was not good news. I'd have to check it...again. Later.

 After I shoved Brandon face first in a brick wall. To be honest, I was kind of looking forward to it. Our relationship was always a love-hate thing. Man, I was a messed up person. But then again, who wasn't?

The airport parking lot was packed. Five o' clock on a Tuesday and it was jam packed. Great. Of course the forces of fate weren't going to let me get done with this quickly. By the time I found a spot, the sun had set. I all but stormed into the airport and then the gate where Brandon was coming from. People kept a wide berth away from me. I didn't blame them. 

By the time I arrived at his gate, I didn't see him. It had been over an hour since he'd texted that he had landed.

If he managed to charm his way out of security and left before I had got here, I was really going to bang his face into a brick wall, twice. I had his number, I could just call him. I should've just called him instead of standing here thinking about slamming heads into brick walls. There was no way I was calling him. If he didn't show I'd just go home and give him hell tomorrow. Just as I was about to spin on my heel and walk away I spotted his wavy brown hair and cocky grin that seemed to always be on his face. Oh, I really wanted to wipe that grin right off of his face. His hair was rumpled from the flight, and his shirt was slightly wrinkled. Normally, I would've found it adorable.

"You have successfully ruined my week," I told him by way of greeting when he got within ear shot.

His eyes widened. "Cerise..."

I always hated how my name managed to sound like a nickname. And right now, I hated the sound of it on his lips.

"And that is a very hard thing to do," I continued, ignoring him. "Especially considering that I successfully finished an invention yesterday and the library downtown reopened this morning."

He blanched. "I'm sorry. What did I do?"

Wow, so he was going to pull that card. "Why don't you tell me?"

I swear I could see him remember every single thing he might've done to get me angry. Wow. So there was a list? I pulled out my phone and went to the picture I took of him with the president's niece. I didn't even know her name. Nor did I care.

I flipped the screen and showed it to him, tapping my foot against the ground as I waited for him to come up with a response. His face paled further as he glanced between me and the picture. He knew I could be scary when I was angry.

"How the hell did they get that on TV?" he muttered.

"That's what you have to say?" I snapped.

"Cerise, I'm-"

"If you wanted to cheat on me, you could've done it after you broke up with me, then it wouldn't have been cheating and we wouldn't be having this conversation right now!"

"But I don't want to break up with you."

I scoffed. "Well, you should've thought about that before you go sticking your tongue down people's throats!"


I spun on my heel and walked away. When he called my name I gave him a gesture over my shoulder and ran the rest of the way to my car, disappearing in the crowd until I couldn't hear him calling me. I didn't know why I ran. Was it because I was scared I would believe whatever he had to say?

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