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Hello/Asalam/ Bonjour!

First off, I want to give you a BIG thank you for checking out my book, it means a lot! 

Book Information

-This book is a science fiction and romance work, so some abilities of the character will come off as unrealistic. If you do not like reading non-realistic works, then this book is not for you. But you can check out my book 'Before We Lit It Up' which is set in present-day society and is more romance-focused. 

-Most of the scenes take place in Italy, but I have never been there and my only reference was dear Google (what would I do without you oh Google?). If you've been to the country or you are a citizen, please point out any errors in the language and scenes!

-This is the first book of a three book series. 

- Edited by 45CherryZ (who's editing skills are amazing!) if you wish to request her, you can go to Phoenix_Community and do so under their Editing Shop. 


-This is an all rights reserved book.

All right reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems. Characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright © 2020 by Amal Clare.

This book can only be found on Wattpad and Crescent Novels. If you are reading it anywhere else, you are likely reading it illegally, and are at risk of a malware malfunction. To go to the original site of my book, visit this link: 


A winner of the best main character description| Winter Mini Awards hosted by magical_dreams88

A winner of the best main character description| Winter Mini Awards hosted by magical_dreams88

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Third-Place in Science-Fiction | The Red Carpet Awards hosted by MrWink0104

Third-Place in Science-Fiction | The Red Carpet Awards hosted by MrWink0104

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