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Well that went well? I don't really know I never talk to girls. It's not that I don't talk to girls, it's just they don't really pay attention to me. I talk to May and well and other girls too.

That's besides the point it was weird to have that much happen in a single day. I've noticed Michelle around. She always sat near me and Ned. Shes always been alone. I'm glad she's sitting with us now. I don't really know if that's going to stick though.

Oh and there's Lucy. She's great she just moved from California. I think she likes Star Wars. Maybe she wants to watch A New Hope with me and Ned at the old Theater downtown. Yeah great, you'll ask her on the field trip next week. Wait.. this isn't a date right. That would be weird. What if it wasn't weird and..

"Peter are you asleep?!" yelled May across the hall.

"Yes May." I yelled back, cursing myself for replying.

"Yeah huh, sure sounds like it. Go to sleep soon you have school tomorrow." Ben joined in.

"Yeah, Yeah." I say quietly to myself in annoyance.

It's not like I hate school. It's just boring, uneventful and there's stupid Flash. Lucy and Michelle hanging out with us has been great. I'm curious that's all. She's interesting and new. Yeah. Besides I like Liz.

One Week Later

It's cold out. I forgot my second jacket at my apartment and I already took the subway. I pull my thin sweater around me and my science is cool shirt. I spot Ned at the entrance with Michelle. Wait where's Lucy? Dude, why do you care so much.

"Peter!" Ned waves me over to join them.

"Hey man, what's up." I say nonchalantly, trying to ignore the cold.

"Not much, excited for the science field trip?" Ned asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah yeah totally." At this point I'm freezing cold. I tuck my hands under my arms to try and conserve heat.

"I heard there's a great exhibit on Ancient Egyptian mummies." Michelle joins in smiling slightly.

"Really." Ned replied looking at her interested.

"Yep, they would take out all their internal organs
and place them in jars around their corpse. Then they pulled the brain out through the nose. The entire process took several days maybe even weeks. There was this theory that they woul-." Michelle said miming it out for extra effect.

"Oh hey guys what's going on." Lucy said from a few feet away.

We all turn to look at her.

"Michelle was just talking about the Ancient Egyptian mummy exhibit at the NYHS." I said shortly not really noticing anything besides the cold.

"Right that's today. Glad I came prepared, all set to go." She looked directly at me and smiled.

Her eyes are very pretty.. I think I'm sweating. Is it hot in here? Wait we are still outside. Oh, thinking about the cold definitely doesn't make it go away.

Lucy noticed I was cold and suggested we go inside.

We go to our science class and take attendance. I'm sitting with Ned in the front of the class. Michelle is sitting with Lucy in the back.

𝑌𝑒𝑎ℎ, 𝑀𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑜 (𝑂𝐶 + 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now