
33 3 10

2 1/2 hours later

"Well that was inconvenient?" MJ said while walking next to me.

"Definitely, I can't believe they closed the main mummy exhibit for restoration. Harrington and Dell should have checked the website." I say semi loud over the noise of our class crossing the parking lot.

Jeez I didn't think nerds could be this loud.

"Alright class settle down. The first group will go on bus one and group two on bus two." Mr Dell talked over the group.

"See you later weirdo." MJ whispers under her breath to me.

I laugh quietly as I watch her awkward frame disappear into the other group.

"Hey Penis, who's your hot girlfriend. How'd you pull her?" I turn around to see Peter on my left and Flash looking me up and down.

Ugh, gag me with a spoon. I roll my eyes at the clear misogyny in his words.

"Wha - What no she's not my girlfriend Flash." Peter says with annoyance. His jaw flexing in frustration, not meeting my eyes.

"Well then, why don't you introduce me." Giving me another one over. His eyes hovering in places I dont want to say.

Peters demeanor changed as he saw Flashes slow deliberate glance down my figure and my obvious uncomfortable state. His eyes snapped up to meet Flashes. He moves in front of me in a almost protective stance.

Suddenly feeling like an object, I sink farther into my jacket and cross my arms. Avoiding eye contact

I look up to meet Flashes eyes. He looks taken aback. I guess Peter doesn't stand up for himself that often.

Before I can reply to his gross comments, Peter speaks, "Flash, walk away. We don't want any trouble." He says firmly. His body angled to hide mine.

I didn't know he had such a protective side? I mean we've only known each other for three weeks. I could already feel my adoration growing as he stared down Flash.

I looked down at the ground to hide my small inappropriate grin at his sweet action on my behalf.

"Fine you can leave but I would like to get to know her better later." he looks over Peters shoulder and winks.

Thanks for ruining the moment dingus. God I want to throw up. Why are people such creeps sometimes.

"Just leave Flash." I say looking him in he eyes with clear annoyance, daring him to say more.

Scoffing, he turns to board the bus.

"Well we're going to sit far away from him." Peter says under his breath.

I blush slightly at the we are part.

"Alright." Was all I could manage to say. Such an original response I know.

Usually I like to handle things on my own but I've never felt so objectified in my life. I felt frozen just paused in my fear. I'm glad Peter was there even if I can defend myself.

Climbing into the bus half minded, I could feel Peters presence behind me. I think maybe even a hovering hand on my back, in case I fall? Very gentleman like.

Peters change of mood really was a revaluation. He was just taking Flashes treatment. When the scum bag turned to me however, I swear I could see something snap in his eyes. Trick of the light perhaps? Or most likely my overactive imagination. Most likely the latter.

We move down the small isle occasionally bumping into one another. We make it to the back of the bus.

Peter extends his arm in front of me. Signaling me to take the window seat.

"After you." He says politely. I glance at his eyes to find them fixed on my face.

I quickly sit down to hide my face. It's extremely hot in this bus all of a sudden.

"Ok, the bus will leave in about six minutes-

The entire class groans at the prospect of sitting in this barely operable machine for six more minutes.

"Wow, that sucks." Peter turns to me. Trying to start conversation.

Realizing I might have to engage sooner or later I ask, "What's your favorite Star Wars original trilogy movie?"

"Oh easy, New Hope." He reply's offhand as if used to the question.

"Really, why?" I ask suddenly inquisitive. He was such an interesting person. I didn't know why but I felt compelled to learn more about him.

"I think it's because of the nostalgia and the mystery behind it. When I saw it I remember m- my Mom dressing me up as Luke Skywalker. Cause at the time I didn't know who he was. It was weird to ask a seven year old to wear a tunic without any explanation. But when I saw the movie I felt so awesome, practically proud in my costume. To be a galactic hero. It felt like everyone was weird and it was ok. I fit in there, I belonged. It was a community coming together to watch a movie they love." His eyes were far off, reliving the memory.

My eyes trailing over his face savoring the moment of joyful sadness on his handsome face. His autumn eyes reflecting the golden light giving them a melancholy tint. His mouth stretching into a sad smile. His eyes then met mine. It felt intrusive to be studying him in a such private moment but he just gazed at my face. His eyes locking me and holding me. I didn't want to move anyways. He just looked at me with a longing look for understanding. I did understand.

Snapping out of it I break contact and look out the window of the bus, just as it starts to leave the parking lot.

"What's yours?"

"Huh?" I turn around to see he gathered himself together and was back to his normal awkward self. I knew better than that. I could see something still there. Searching in the shadow of his lips or the dark part of his honey eyes. It doesn't go away that easy. The pain. No matter how much practice you have at hiding it.

"Oh, my favorite movie of the first trilogy?" I ask, already knowing the answer. It's just out of habit to ask.

He nods in confirmation. Waiting for my answer.

"Pff, Empire Strikes Back. Easily." I say rolling my eyes and scoffing slightly. I get my Star Wars pride from my Dad.

"Ok.. Why?" Peter asks me the same question I asked. Smiling slightly in anticipation.

"Really?" I say flirting slightly. Only slightly alright.

He nods again in confirmation.

I bite my lip in thought. Wanting to give him a good response. After all, he told me a very personal story. I'm just glad he felt comfortable to confide in me.

It makes us closer.

"Alright, I remember watching Empire Strikes back the clearest. I was in kindergarten I think. Maybe first grade. My Mom would put it on for ten minutes before school. We still had a VHS and I remember going close to the screen and the static charge tickling my nose. I remember racing back home to eat, get my work done- I'll be honest it wasn't really work so much as coloring." I say rolling my eyes laughing slightly at how easy it all was. "I would go to bed early, just to get 20 minutes of movie time. It took four days to finish but I loved every day." Remembering how excited I was when Darth Vader was Luke's father. How Yoda was so small and bossy. The Tontons guts being spilled by Han. The at-ats attacking the Hoth base. It was momentous in the series, and my life.

"I love VHS TVs I've been wanting to build one recently." Peter joins in excitedly.

Glad for the sudden change of subject. Peter talking makes me more relaxed anyways. I could tell the change in subject matter was intentional. He probably understands how hard it is to dwell on these memories. For that I was grateful.

We have comfortable understanding. Crush or no crush I am grateful for his friendship.

𝑌𝑒𝑎ℎ, 𝑀𝑒 𝑇𝑜𝑜 (𝑂𝐶 + 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟)Where stories live. Discover now