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Smp! Tommy x reader
TW: mentions of war?

I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

You were invited to the ball with your friends. You've been preparing for this event for weeks, you find it really exciting because you finally got a chance to actually dress up for an event. You're wearing a beautiful suit-like gown that you made, a color that reminds you of the stars. You can already imagine the gaze of the people there. Closing your eyes dancing in your room visualizing that perfect person you wish too meet in the ball. Not realizing someone's presence leaning on the doorframe. The person chuckled at your daydreaming state, making you halt from your little dance.

You sighed, already knowing who it was. Turning your heels to face your brother who has his arms crossed with a smirk planted on his face. "What do you want, Sapnap?" He puts down his arms walking towards your bed soon plopping his body like a starfish. "Nothing, i just like seeing my sibling doing embarassing shits" He laughed clutching his stomach. You grabbed a pillow and smacked his face with it, your eyebrows furrowed with annoyance. His laughed still continued finding your pissed state a lot funnier.

You grunted leaving your room, stomping outside to your porch waiting for the carriage from the castle to arrive. Hearing a bunch of hoovesteps you went back inside to call your brother. Excitedly hopping on the ride starting to get impatient in your seat.

Finally arriving at the castle you jumped of the carriage soon ignoring your brother's calls and ran inside searching for your friends. You spotted a girl wearing a beautiful teal dress with her hair gracefully tied up in a bun. You waved at your friend soon cathing her attention, she now had this wide grin on her face one she saw you. "Hey Lani! You look gorgeous in that dress" she greeted you back with a compliment as well. "Let's dance!" She pulled you into the crowd. Dancing a parody of the known dance , waltz.

Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went, "Boom!"

The two of you are soon at the side of the crowd laughing and bonding, catching up with some other friends as well. "Hey lani, where's your brother by the way?" You asked before having a sip of the berry juice that the catering has served. "Oh tubbo? Well he said he'll be with his friends. Why'd you ask?"

"Well you and tubbo are usually together in events, so i was wondering where he was" Your friend replied with an "ah" as a response of understanding. Speaking of tubbo, you saw him talking to his friends. Analyzing his acquaintances your eyes stopped. Your surroundings came to a halt. It may sound over dramatic but everything slowed down when you saw the person who is laughing alongside tubbo. You can feel your stomach churn, your face feeling hot. You soon avert your gaze, now looking at your glass. You act busy, pretending that the feelings you felt never happened.

Tryin' to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister and whisper
"Yo, this one's mine" (ooh)

You cleared your throat then asking lani for another dance. Once she agreed you immediatley pulled her in the side of the dancefloor, eyeing the boy while dancing. Lani on the other hand is a little concerned at your actions, she looked at the direction of your noticable gazes, her lips forming into a smirk. She was waiting for you to comment on her brother's friend knowing that your a chatty type. As expected you spoke up . " Your brother's friend is very attractive, what's his name?" She giggled at your obvious liking at the boy. "His name is tommy" Her face made a wide grin soon walking to the group's direction.

My sister made her way across the room to you (ooh)
And I got nervous thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)
She grabs you by the arm
I'm thinkin', "I'm through" (ooh)
Then you look back at me
And suddenly I'm helpless

Your body shivered at the numerous thoughts that entered your mind when your dear friend gliding to her brother. You saw her give tommy a little tap on the shoulder, the latter leaning down to her height as she whispers. You felt sweat dripping down your face and your hands now felt clammy. You busied yourself with your dress fiddling the soft fabric, your gaze looking up then back to the group, worried thoughts now crowded in your mind. Once you looked back at them your eyes met such beautiful orbs of blue. The corner of his eyes form wrinkles as his face form a sweet smile. Oh your dear heart couldn't handle such charm. You gave him a little wave making him chuckle at your shyness, he waved back mocking yours.

Lani pulled him, resulting a shock face from him. She was dragging the poor boy to your direction, her excited face is shown by a very wide smile, wider than earlier if possible. She stopped pulling his wrist halting in front of you letting go of tommy, pushing him closer to you.

"Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you!" You said while doing a curtsy as a form of respect. He bowed as well a curious face now formed as he stood properly. "L/N?" He questioned. "Sapnap's sister" He mouthed an "ah" as a response. He smiled again at you. You soom noticed a badge on his blazer it seems that he's one of the soldiers who fought the war a year ago.

"Thank you for your service" You thanked looking back up to his eyes forming a smile. "If it takes fighting a war for us too meet,it will have been worth it." He smoothly replied making you flustered feeling your face warm up. Your thoughts are now gushing about how cute that was. Lani left to see his brother giving you two a moment.

This night sure was worth it and meeting a guy of your dreams is the cause of your happiness that night.

せつない |tommyinnit x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now