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'The Day It All Started'

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'The Day It All Started'

My eyes fluttered open as a slight breeze hit my face, I glanced out the window to see that it was still dark out. I couldn't stop the yawn from escaping my throat as I went to sit up only to see a red box at the end of my bed

The box itself was a deep shade of red and the ribbon was golden and sparkling with glitter and it looked like there was a note attached. I reached out to grab the note and unfolded it. Was it from Ciel? possibly, Axton? unlikely but it could still happen, Grell? I mean it is red...

My eyes focused on the small black writing as I began to read...

'Dear Camila, my precious flower

You may not know me but have no fear we shall soon meet, I wanted to visit you this afternoon so I decided to bring a gift. Sadly you were asleep so I left it at the foot of your bed before laying down for a few minutes, it was a long trip here you know? I do hope you don't mind, your hair smells delightful by the way just like I imagined it to be, soft and silky. I do hope you like my gift, it shall leave you something that will remind you of me until we meet but that won't belong. I have the plans all set up, it's going to be a perfect first date and I shall show you many new things you have yet to try.

I do apologise for leaving before you awoke but letting you see me was not part of my plan, but do not fear I did leave you a goodnight kiss but I didn't want to leave you so I decided to take some of you with me. Your beautiful hair really is silky and soft I just couldn't leave it

We soon shall meet - xoxoxo Your future lover'

I looked in horror at the letter before I looked towards my bed. Cut pieces of hair laid on the pillow, scissors on the night table next to the bed. I grabbed the end of my hair only to see a chunk missing, it was uneven so I would have to cut it shorter but...they took my hair. Who were they?

my hands shook as I reached towards the box, my hands grazed against the ribbon and I started to breathe quickly as I brought it over to where I was sitting. I took a deep breath as I undid the ribbon. It fell to the ground and the lid opened.

The red box crashed against the floor as I let out a loud scream. I tried to move away but my body stood still. my breathing became even faster as tears fell down my cheeks as my sobs started to fill the quiet room.

The door crashed open but I couldn't move my gaze away from the box. I hardly noticed people surround me until a hand grabbed onto my shoulder causing me to flinch violently as I let out a whimper, there was no way that was real. no. way.

"Cami what happened!" Ciel's voice shook me out of my thoughts as I latched onto him, I looked around to see everyone crowded around me as I held onto Ciel for dear life. 

I was silent as a hand reach over the side of the bed and grabbed the cut pieces of hair, it was Sebastian he had on his usual suit which I don't understand why he is wearing it at this hour aren't they uncomfortable?

"Young mistress why is your hair on the pillow?" the soft yet demanding voice of Sebastian filled the room and I felt Ciel's head whip in his direction

I took a deep breath before I looked up at everyone, I had to tell them but I was scared, would he do that to me? 

"Someone was in here, they slept next to me before cutting my hair. Th-they kissed me while I slept and they even left me a box-" I couldn't finish before sobs started to rip out of my throat

They all looked shocked and I saw the hand of Mey-Rin reaching towards the red box, my hand reacted on its own as I stopped her hand. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I shook my head

"d-don't" my voice was soft but I didn't want to see it again

I heard a sigh before another hand reached for the box, they were too fast and I couldn't stop them

it was silent as we all started at the contents of the box. a bloody heart laid open for all to see, it was faintly beating showing that it was only removed recently but the most disturbing thing was the bloody and burnt doll sitting atop the heart

I had gotten then on my 12th birthday

a month before the fire

I had thought I lost it in the fire well it was obvious it was there when the manor was on fire

they had been watching me for over two years

oh god

I felt like I was going to vomit at the realisation, I felt Mey-Rin's arms wrap around me as she gave me a hug. I heard Axton's voice on the phone. Ciel was reading the letter and his hands scrunched up the letter the longer he read, Sebastian was reading over his shoulder while Finny and Bard joined in on the group hug

I was holding onto Mey-Rin tightly, I wasn't going to cry anymore. I was safe. Ciel was safe. we had Sebastian and Axton to keep us safe. I took a deep breath as let go of Mey-Rin and gave her a closed eye smile

"Thanks, Mey-Rin" I didn't try to get up, I knew I would just fall down and that would just make me burst out crying, I had enough crying

I rubbed the tears off my face with the sleeve of my nightgown "I'm getting dressed" everyone kept at what they were doing only Mey-Rin followed me but the rest just gave me a noise signalising that they heard me only Axeton looked up

"Everyone's safe, I'm fine no need to cry. pathetic crying over a stupid doll, you're stronger than this" I muttered to myself as I chose out a simple pair of pants and a small shirt. This would do I wasn't going anywhere today

"so why am I crying?"


.....Ok, I get it but... it's a new story so deal with it

This was just a Prologue so it wasn't meant to be that long

Word count: 1142

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