Chapter 38~

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A/N- as much as I love this story it must come to an end one day...and that day is soon

~2 years later~

~Normal P.O.V~
you sit with Mike, Nayeli and Nick at the therapist office 
 it's 1995
2 years ago I went through the most terrible days of my life
1 year ago I started going to therapy along with Mike
Nick and Nayeli go together
Mike and I have been together for 3 years now and yet he still hasn't put a ring on it 
ha ha yea I know, patience is a virtue  
Nick on the other hand didn't wait and him and Nayeli are engaged
I'm the maid of honor (of course)
Mike is the Best man 
your so excited, after all my best friend is getting married
And today is the big day!

you and Mike rush around, making sure we have everything
you fished doing my makeup and Mike slipped on his shoes
"ready?" you ask and he nods
you smile "lets go"

~Le time skip~

you stand next to Nayeli
yea i'm going to admit i'm crying a little
It's normal to cry at weddings!
anyway you are really happy for her and Nick
"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest says. smiling
Nick and Nayeli kiss and the crowd cheers
you smile widely and look at Mike and he smiles back

~Another le time skip~

you and Mike dance together
"I'm happy" you say, Mike smiles
"I love you" Mike whispers  
you smile "I love you too"

A/N- sorry it's short

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